Under review

​GLPI native online helpdesk chat

Andrei Simoni 7 years ago updated by nawrouz 2 months ago 5

It would be interesting if GLPI has a native online chat system (independent of livehelperchat) that has queue support and some other functionalities like:

1 - allow the attendant to capture the client that is in the queue.

2 - return the client to the queue.

3 - transfer the client between different queues

4 - transfer the client to another attendant (ex-attendant1 answered the customer1 but finished the clerk's file1 then he transfers the client1 to the clerk2 that will give continuity in the client's service 1)

5 - be able to open a ticket by linking the chat conversation to the new ticket or linking a conversation to an existing ticket

6 - send attachments via chat

7 - At the end of the service the client responds a survey to evaluate the service performed by the chat attendant.

8 - allow the client to send the chat conversation to his own email in case he wants

Under review

integrations with chat solutions like matrix / mattermost / rocketchat / slack / irc are indeed very interesting


also gsuite or teams


Bonjour, svp j'ai la version GLPI 10.0.6 , dans la partie utilisateurs pour crée son ticket je souhaite afficher les catégorie que j'ai crée  dans la partie ITIL mais malheureusement sa s'affiche un message que les résultats ne peuvent pas etre chargé du coup je souhaite savoir c'est quoi le problème afin d'afficher les ITILS que j'ai crée ! comme s'il a une étape a suivre je vous prie de me donner les étapes a suivre pour que je puisse les afficher