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There is a webcal:// URL for planning: can't it be added to Outlook (client-side solution)?

Disclaimer: I like the fact that additional features for GLPI are possible via plugins: this makes the GLPI core less bloated.

Why integrate a plugin into the GLPI Core? If the plugin does the job there is no need to make it part of GLPI.
If you think the plugin's features should be integrated into GLPI's core: please explain why it should be, which advantages it would brings, why the plugin-solution is not working (or badly).

Tickets can be associated to web application (tested on GLPI v0.90 and WebApplications v2.1.1): did you enabled it in the Profile configuration?


Allows to clearly indicate the phone/ISP/hardware provider's issue/request/ticket reference ID.

Criticality is often related to a (infrastructure) service such as Internet network access, DNS resolution or a web application.

There is a work in progress to make iTop works/communicate with GLPI.

Well, it looks like I was wrong, I didn't noticed "Projects" are part of GLPI core. My bad...

No, GLPI is not connected to the DHCP server (I think there was a DHCP plugin some years ago, but it does not seems to be maintained anymore).

Using WebServices plugin or by directly querying the GLPI database you could write your own script that fetch IP and MAC addresses from Computer GLPI asset and write the DHCP server configuration accordingly before reloading the DHCP service.

Why would multiple fields be better for user experience than a single one?

I understand the need for such feature, but, considering the medium (e-mail) implementation will be difficult (there is not many fields we can use to receive the information).

I can see the following ways (no specific order):

  • Subject field pattern: « ... For: FooBar » would indicate ticket is created on behalf of "FooBar" (original end-user)
  • Cc field: the e-mail address present in the "Cc" field is address of the person the ticket is created on behalf of (original end-user)
  • Reply-To field: same behavior as described above for the Cc field but using the Reply-To.

I'm +1 on this one.

I am currently looking for a way to clean the printer cartridges ("cartridgeitem" object) list.

Why? Because I recently changed multiple printers, thus I added lots of cartridges models (for the new printers) and now have models I don't use anymore (printers were handed back).

I would like to only see the "new" cartridges models but I don't wan't to delete "old" cartridges because they carry an history of usage frequency but also Financial and administrative informations.

An "archived" boolean flag would be an answer to this issue.