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Create an email notification with the number of open/closed tickets per month

Alexi 11 месяцев назад обновлен 11 месяцев назад 0

Hello currently I would like to receive an email notification on GLPI with the number of tickets that is open and the number of tickets closed on each month of the year. Having no knowledge of this subject


Assigned To field and email function improvement

jinjin 11 месяцев назад 0

It would be nice to have the Assigned To field be splitted in Assigned Group and Assigned Technician. I believe it has long been like this and it would be it as an option and/or improvement.

About the e-mail functionality, in my system the Requester and Observer receives the Answers update individually, this confuses them that they are the only one receiving the update from the technician. Wouldn't it be nice to have a one e-mail thread that already includes both requester (To) and observers (CC)?

Lastly, can the ID of ticket type Request and Incident be different? It is just plain numbers and having a naming convention would just be nice. (i.e. INC-#######, I-#######, SR-#######, R-########, etc.)


Provide the application with the ability to visualize the location of the devices on a floorplan

Ricardo Alexander Perez Ricard 12 месяцев назад 0

I suggest adding the option to add a floorplan to graphically show the location of the PCs. I share an example:

Youtube video

The display of pc's in the form of list is great. But I think that an ideal complement would be to provide the application with the ability to visualize the location of the devices on a floorplan.


Add a new option to pre-select me as a task technician

Tomolimo 12 месяцев назад 0


Today in GLPI, there is an option to pre-select me as ticket technician. 

It would be perfect to have an option to pre-select me as task technician.

Thank you,




Save filters in kanban view

MDM 1 год назад 0

It would save a lot of time to have the option to save the filters used in the kanban view, similarly to the existent one in the classic tickets view. Now you have to enter the search items every time you open the kanban view.


Feature Request: Container Image

lucasfcnunes 1 год назад 0

I am trying to deploy the glpi app and I can only find non-official images:
Explore Docker's Container Image Repository | Docker Hub


"Answer" button automatically saves the data in the right-hand panel

Elias Pereira 1 год назад 0


When answering a ticket, if I make a change in the right-hand panel, such as adding a new observer, clicking the Answer button automatically saves the data in the right-hand panel.


Site Title

Matthew Sponaugle 1 год назад 0

I'd find it greatly helpful for a way to set the site title through the GLPI configuration rather than editing HTML templates. 

Example, the landing page is Standard Interface - GLPI where Standard Interface is a variable passed to the rendering of the html template, but  GLPI is hard coded into the template. I'd be a major benefit to larger users if they could replace GLPI in the title with COMPANY_NAME Support or what ever they'd like.

As stated earlier the only way to accomplish this is via editing of templates/layout/parts/head.html.twig which isn't a great option.


Enhancing tickets/Items/... listings : creating customised views + re-arrange columns by drag & drop

Loiseau2nuit 1 год назад 0

Hi there !

On that screen, it would be nice to have more than 'Global' and 'Personal view' and being able to create new customised views depending on profiles (or/and groups).

Also please, we should be able to re-arrange columns by drag & drop (instead of those clicking arrows which are hell to use when you have lots of columns on display)

Thanks in advance for upvotes and actions taken on that suggestion.

Image 467


Notifications badge

repentandliveholy 1 год назад 0

Is it possible to make a new notifications badge on the main screen up-right? I.e. for every new thing, message o smth else happen to be +1 ?

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