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LDAP Sync User Settings
I think it would be a nice feature to be able to prevent LDAP from overwriting settings that the user themselves have changed.
For example:
- User Language is set by LDAP's preferredlanguage tag. If the user changes their User Language then these changes get overwritten the next time GLPI syncs with LDAP.
- User has changed their e-mail address to that of a shared mailbox they are using so that everybody can see when they get an update on a ticket. But with a sync, these changes will be reverted.
Maybe a possibility to state that certain fields can only be overwritten during creation of the account, or always, or never. (last one might be a bit silly, but there might be some rare cases I guess).
Inventory manual or youtube instruction video
I notice that the official manual, nor youtube, nor anything else on the internet gives a CLEAR instruction how to do a network inventory by scanning the network, adding windows pc's, servers, with or without agent, giving a complete overview of all devices using different ways. This is realy a core functionality and a great puzzle to figure out. Although the manual states some technical features commands etc, it isn't clear about how to do the steps to configure GLPI to do this properly. It is driving me nuts and it is very sad that i can't find a good manual that is clea on this matter.... Please make some, or good instruction movies (ENGLISH screesnhots and instructions) and manuals.
GLPI - Ticket Template "Hidden Fields" need more added fields
Go to Assistance > Tickets > Template [Above Screen]
- Click on Ticket Template and modify
- Hidden Fields - I can hide some fields, but why I can't hide "Category"?? hmm...
The list of fields available to hide is retrieved with a function that has a "withtypeandcategory" option that is set to false in the context of hidden fields.
It is not clear why it is false or why type and category are linked like this. However, it has been like this for over 11 years.
I don't know how much it would affect to allow hiding both of these fields without some extensive testing.
Thank you
Automatic/manual cleanup of software versions with 0 installations
In long running GLPI instances rubbish increases, especially within software versions. Software is getting updated permanently and the fact is, that a lot of software versions with 0 installations stay within the database. It would be nice to have the possibility to cleanup software versions with 0 installations either by a regular cleanup task or the manual possibility to do this cleanup.
Phone Association with Lines
I know there are older request about this but I believe it's time to bring the idea up again. It would be great if there were an option to link phones with lines.
Fast create a ticket from Windows agent icon in taskbar
The idea is that a right click on the glpi agent's icon in the windows taskbar allows to create a ticket rapidly without having to open a mail application and write an email or have to login to the web interface and create a new ticket. User just right clicks on the new glpi 10 windows agent and is able to rapidly fill a simple form, that will create a ticket and attach it to the currently logged in windows user and windows computer. In case of glpi managing several sub entities, a static hidden key assigned by the glpi server to the glpi agent, either stored in the glpi agent or a uuid that identifies the agent could be used to determine in which entity the ticket is created. Maybe the agent needs to be downloaded from the glpi server with a name like agent_8qvdfv8qd462fv67sdg1sdf8g4v6sdgv416dfv5.exe where the last characters 8qvdfv8qd462fv67sdg1sdf8g4v6sdgv416dfv5 when decoded will point to a given server and an api key that will be registered in the agent and used lately to authenticate to the server.
rules for all equipments
When we are creating new rules on GPLI, that's applied only on the NEW equipments. So, it can be interesting to add a function.
Can we just add a checkbox when we are creating the rules like "Apply to all equipments" or "Apply to the new equipments" ?
Search by history field
How to find a computer search by history?
For example, when a router was taken away from the warehouse. Now, among the heap of similar ones, you need to find it. I'll have to go through them one at a time.
I think history searches will be popular.
option to disable entity
include a flag on Entities form allowing to disable (deactivate) an entity no longer used, without the need to remove / migrate all the content related to this entity.
Add ability to add costs to every object
I manage some assets that sometimes need maintenance, a part repair or something similar. As the data in the infocom table / section is mainly a one-time cost element, I'd like to be able to add costs whenever needed to the item. Just like it is possible for contracts. But on every object.
That would be great!
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