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Overhaul of orders/invoices management

HGL IT 4 года назад 0

Currently, if we buy 100 PCs from a supplier at once, we would receive one invoice (one set of information).

In GLPI, we add 100 computer assets, then we have to manually type out 100 "Financial Information" tabs all containing the same information.

It would be way more practical, logical, convenient and efficient to create an "invoice record" to hold all the relevant information once, and then be able to link it to all the relevant assets purchased on the given invoice.


Ticket Tasks - old value and new value

Felipe Gobbi 4 года назад 0

In the table glpi_logs, when a ticket is created, the fields in the table are filled. When a ticket is updated at the fields "title" or "description", in the table was wrote the text of old value and new value in the respective fields.

It would be wonderful if this same idea can be used for tasks, because when we update a task in the ticket, in the table it's don't saved the old value , only the ID of the task.


itil category display improvement with different entities

François Fauquenoy 4 года назад 0

It would be greatl if it was possible to display the ticket categories independently from the entity.

example :

I have a root entity with Software category and Office, ERP as subcategories

In a child entity, I would like to add another category (ex: VPN) under the category of the root entity Software

and the logical displaying would be independent from entity (just use entities membership to display correctly) as :


  >> Office

  >> ERP

  >> VPN

the VPN category would only be displayed to members of the child entity (and possibly their children entities)


Proposal to enable the possibility to place two devices in the same rack unit

ilGino 4 года назад обновлен 4 года назад 2

Hello all,

I suggest to enable the possiblity to place two devices (items) in the same rack unit.


PDU #1 is placed in rack unit #1, facing front

PDU #2 is placed in rack unit #1, facing rear

This makes sense for devices which are very short in depth.

Or another example:

PDU #1 is placed in rack unit #1, facing front, only left half of the unit

PDU #2 is placed in rack unit #1, facing front, only right part of the unit

This makes sense for devices which are very small in width, or placed on a tray.

Actually every time I try to add a device facing [rear/front] on the same rack unit already used by a device facing [front/rear] I receive a "Not enough space to place the item" error.

Tested with PDU items and Network items.

I am on a GLPI 9.5.3 fresh installation where everything else is working perfect, so I suppose it is a deliberate feature.

Thank you all in advance


Allow technician followups when ticket solved

tyrone wyatt 4 года назад 0

Can you allow technicians to add follow-ups to tickets when solved without changing the status back to processing.

Requesters follow-ups reopen ticket as per current behavior.


New network types (SFP and/or SFP+)

J. Fernando Lagrange 4 года назад 0

Would it be possible to have SFP and/or SFP+ network types for switches and other network material:

[New copper connectors](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Small_form-factor_pluggable_transceiver) that are replacing RJ45 connectors.

It is in screen AssetsNetwork devices → Select an existing asset, tab Network ports, button Add → dropdown Ethernet port type, image below:

Image 374


Link KB to racks

walid 4 года назад 0

Give user the ability to link KB articles to racks


Option to select if the user will or won't receive emails by default

Arthur Schaefer 4 года назад 0

There are some users that I don't want GLPI to receive emails.

I know there's the option to disable the follow up in each ticket. But I'd like to set it up on users by default.

For example:

The event monitoring system that opens tickets in GLPI by email doesn't need to receive updates about the ticket progress since it's not even a person.

This happens less often but there are some users that don't want and don't need to receive the emails from the Service Desk software.

Currently, I need to deactivate it every time in each ticket. However, when we receive more than 20 or 30 tickets of this kind (events monitoring system) it's inhuman to do it always.


Notification action for emails not accepted by anonymous users

Arthur Schaefer 4 года назад обновлен 4 года назад 1

When the 'Allow anonymous ticket creation (helpdesk.receiver)' is not active and a new user starts working and sends an email to the GLPI receiver, the system ignores the email but nothing is sent to the sender. So nobody knows the email was sent and ignored, besides the only person who sent it before and didn't receive an answer.

That would be of good use to have a notification action for ignored emails or even a list or something to know the ignored/blacklisted emails.

  • The email comes in
  • GLPI doesn't find a user match for the sender's email address
  • GLPI ignores it
  • GLPI sends the sender an email explaining that the message was ignored
    • OR/AND
  • GLPI stores a list of ignored messages and an admin could manage the destination for each message correctly

This way we could understand well what is happening on the Receiver address and no user is going to wait and get no response.

Arthur Schaefer, MBA


Network port type: bluetooth

Megachip 5 лет назад обновлен markwakwak 5 лет назад 1

Seems to be missing

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