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Users can be cloned?

Guillermo Haad 8 лет назад 0

a user created can be cloned?

I have version 0.90.3


Ré-arranger les contrats

Lee 8 лет назад обновлен 8 лет назад 2


Peut on améliorer le "Contrat" et "Cout" afin d'avoir par exemple

Contrat "Marche d'achat matériel"
Cout : lot 1 Onduleur date debut , date fin , garantie (36 Mois),alerte (fin/préavis) ,cout , fournisseur
Cout : Lot 2 Ordinateur date debut , date fin , garantie (12 Mois) ...

En fait meme la partie , reconduction , numero comptable , facturation , heures d'interventions
je pense que cela devrait faire partie du coté "COUTS" ..et donc d'avoir un lien avec le fournisseur pour chaque cout.

Le marché (contrat) dans une collectivité se fait par Lot (1,2,3..) avec des fournisseurs différents , et des date , durée garantie heures d'interventions (liées aux fournisseurs) ...


Mandatory/Authorized/Forbidden softwares

Edwin FAURE 8 лет назад 0


To my knowledge I didn't find a plugin (or standard) feature that allow to fully use software categories to create statistics/alerts on it.

For instance it would help us implement a IT software compliance project to detect computers lacking mandatory softwares, and/or hosting known and forbidden ones.


Massive Actions

Juan Fernando Villa Hernández 8 лет назад 0

sometimes we need to make massive creations og Groups, Users, Entities and So on...

It's possible make a plugin or native functionality for make massive actions like that?

I mean something like a form with this:

ex: Option: combo box


* Users

* Groups

* Entities

* Categories

....... etc.

if the option it's user then appear something like:

User 1

id - password - entitie - Profile

User 2

id - password - entitie - Profile

User 3........ and so on.

if the option it's group then appear something like:

name - entitie - subentitie - etc.....


Frozen - new ticket status

No name 8 лет назад обновлен 8 лет назад 4

It would be great to have a frozen ticket status in which the ticket resolution time won't be counted.


employee directory page

Yannick Labbé 8 лет назад 0

GLPI is already connected to ldap, so it should be very useful to create a page for users permitting to search employee by department or group.

select by - entity (site) - Department (group) -

ID / first name / last name / mail / phone / mobile / title / location / category / picture


child budgets

Christian Bernard 8 лет назад 0

Allow calculation of child budget in a ROOT budget for budget consolidation

ex: 1 site 5000$ licenses, 1 other 10000$, then MAIN or ROOT budget 15000$ inheritance


SQL licensing calculation

Christian Bernard 8 лет назад 0

Find a way to calculate the SQL licensing properly by CAL, server and CORE factor

Currently, SQL is not properly identify in GLPI (Standard/Enterprise) and there is no way to calculate the CORE factor for SQL

Same thing for MS CIS licenses

I have to keep a Excel sheet on the side and combine with MS tools to generate a proper report


Report with Serial Number Duplicate

Gilberto Tuñon 8 лет назад обновлен Michał Panasiewicz 2 года назад 2

Add report to get item with duplicate serial number.


Work with the application

Александр Петров 8 лет назад обновлен 8 лет назад 1

Offer to "work with the application" to add a chronology of binding to other applications.

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