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An no-reply option for users
We have users that represent upstream systems. For instance an monitoring system. We currently configure an invalid email as primairy to prevent GLPI from sending emails back to the the system. It would be nice to have an 'no-reply' option in the userobject that will prevent GLPI from generating an actual email.
This will improve performance, reduce overhead, and will prevent a chain of NDRs being generated in the email environment.

Transfer to another client inside the ticket
I'm a young back-end developer and i work for a company as a trainee.
My company has many clients and it takes time to transfert pending tickets to an existing client.
--> (return to the tickets list, tick the checkbox, transfert to the pending list etc...).
So, i'd like to put a little form inside the ticket which would allow to transfert the pending (or not) client to another one quickly.
I'll work for it soon, so if someone want to help me (cauz i don't really know the source code of glpi), i would be grateful !
Thanks for reading me :)

Hide from the author of the application specialist who works on it.
It is possible through the settings to make the name of the specialist who works with it invisible to the author of the application?
This means that the owner of the application does not see not only to whom the application is assigned, but also who answers it.
If not - unfortunately it is impossible to change the configuration of the presentation for a simple \ standard interface, even in a new template.You can only determine which fields are required, predefined and hidden.
Perhaps in such a case, to act differently and change the template of the web pages "Application" and "Working with an application" by removing there the display of workers working with the application?
Temas Categorías.
Agradecería informar si hay alguna manera de poner una Categoría como tema principal de otras Categorías, sin que el usuario final pueda seleccionar la Categoría Tema para la creación de un Ticket.

Add "Clear Formatting" button in TinyMCE
We get our tickets via mail collector. Every user has its own format inside it's email. So every message looks different with different fonts and font sizes.
To get all messages look the same inside GLPI, I have to remove the format. TinyMCE has such an option (button) called "Clear Formatting".
Pasting content via [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[V] removes every formatting. Especially lists and so on. The TinyMCE function only removes bad font settings.

Possibilité d'affectation d'un document à une prise réseau
Dans notre entreprise nous exigeons de nos intégrateurs informatique de fournir les rapport de test des prises réseaux qui ont été câblées.
Il serait intéressant de pouvoir affecter un document (en l'occurrence notre rapport de test) à une prise réseau.
Merci d'avance,
SPANO Nicolas

Installations tab directory in software.form.php needed
may i know the source code directory in software.form.php for tab number 4 (installations).
it will be helpful you guys show me the correct directory/source code for the particular tab. thank in advance.
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