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Journal de bord

ax512 hace 7 años 0

Bonjour à tous, 

Je recherche désespérément un moyen d'avoir un "Journal de bord" sur GLPI.

L'idée étant de sélectionner une personne; la date; le temps passé; éventuellement certain tag; et puis description de l'action entrepris par l'opérateurs.

légèrement comme des tickets, sans pour autant avoir à renseigner tout les éléments.

Avec si possible... un mode recherche avec les différente variable cite dessus et éventuellement des vus statistiques du temps passé des opérateurs sur certaine action (les tag).



créer un plugin GLPI

rizqirenaldy27 hace 7 años actualizado por glpi hace 7 años 1

Comment créer un plugin GLPI avec simple CRUD


SIte / Demo in Brazilian Portuguese

magaiverpr hace 7 años 0

As we can see in the Telemetry (http://glpi-project.org/telemetry/) PT-BR is the second most used language in GLPI.

It will be cool to have a site and the demo with a user in PT-BR.


Problems to attach files to GLPI incidents

victorseo hace 7 años 0


With the version 9.1.6 I have problems to attach documents to the incident, the system is blocked and does not assign the incident as a rule, but without the attached document it works, is there any configuration by GLPI or is it a theme of the web server?

Thanking your comments Victor


pluging webservices compatble avec la 9.2 de glpi

Jean-Marc hace 7 años actualizado por glpi hace 7 años 1

je cherche une version même béta du plugin webservice compatble avec la 9.2 de glpi


Ticket Testing validation

Dan Truong hace 7 años 0

the process : user create request ticket, the technician create a task tech analysis and test and we need a validation from the requester to approve the solution, after the validation the developer creates a change linked to the ticket to apply the change.

We would like to add a rule : send an approval to the requester


Get urgency from Email priority

mohamad_ghanem hace 7 años 0

Can i take the urgency for a ticket from Email priority?

and how ?

Thank you


Cluster in Computers

Rainer Batz hace 7 años 0

Is it possible to add a function Cluster (e.g. Vmware-Cluster, Vcenter) in section Computers? We need this Information for license Management functions.


Mail collector create specfic template based on mail subject

iisinfrastructure hace 7 años 0


We are using some kind of form on another app. This app send email to GLPI.
We'd like to create a ticket with a specific template. To know which template should be used we want to use the email subject.

Right now we are only able to use the email priority which is of no use in our current scenario. Can you add this criterion?

To resume I want to be able to send an email with subject TOTO and GLPI is going to create a ticket with the template TOTO.



Image on Public FAQ

Chrisme hace 7 años actualizado hace 7 años 1

thank you for this new version that fixes a lot of bug, here is a perfect recommendation:

concrete example:
I solve a ticket, I paint an image of the paper press, and I add the ticket to the knowledge base, the knowledge base integrates the image (perfect, correction ok :-))
then I put this knowledge base in the public FAQ,
unfortunately, in the public FAQ, access to images is prohibited.
Is it possible to take this in consideration?
thank you in advance for this work already excellent