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mailgate should be able to add followups to Changes and to Problems, and not only to Tickets
Currently if mailgate receives an email as an answer from a Change notification, it will create a new ticket, instead of add a new followup to the initiating change. Or it may also add a followup to a ticket which # (id) matches with the [GLPI #xxxxxxx] found in the email subject...
Same issue for Problems.
Thank you,

new features for assets and search bar
It would be great to have a retired/decommissioned section in assets so it would make it easier to track old equipment that are no longer in use. It would also be great to have a virtual section for keeping tabs on virtual ip's and hostnames. In the all search bar, it would be nice to be able to search all assets instead of a select few.

Assign Ticket to multiple locations
ATM it is only possible to assign one location to a ticket. Would be awesome if it is possible to assign multiple locations.

Automatic save of follow-ups
Is it possible to have an autosave function of written communication, just in case the user closes the tab, or loses power, or else ?
At the moment, if you close the tab, you lose all written text.

Need OU / distinguishedName
I need OU / distinguishedName property,
so I can know where is the object in directory.
Sample: please run the following in windows cmd:DsQuery Computer -Name %ComputerName%

Add "Connect" to dropdown list of "Actions" to tab "Connections" in Assets-Computers
Add "Connect" to dropdown list of Actions to tab "Connections" in Assets-Computers
It would be very convenient to immediately connect a monitor, phone or something else to another computer
How is it done in Assets-Computers-Components, when I select a component and want to transfer it to another computer

Search into historical of all Computer
Hi, there is no way to search in the whole historical.
Example: If I looking for the old PC, from a former user, I can't find it by a simple search.

Allow reverting history of notification mail template
When customizing GLPI HTML notification templates, we sometimes make errors : there is a log of the modifications history that is readable, but it is not possible to revert the previous template.
Everytime I have to reset totally the template

Inventory - export selected items
Would it be possible to make possible, on the inventory page, select some elements and only export them in pdf. For now, we can only export the current page or all the pages.
Thanks in advance.

project link in assets
In project in can add elements like assets or softwares to link them at the project.
But when i look at assets or softwares informations i cannot have the information of which project is linked to this asset or software
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