Please check if the feature has not already been requested.
If not, please describe it

Change elements which shown at reservations
Is there any way to change what is displayed at the reservations tab? ATM it only shown the name of the element and the location. Would live to also shown the operating system.
Thanks a lot

OCSNG - Régler le problème de TRACE_DELETED sur le plugin
Régler le problème de l'erreur TRACE_DELETED qui revient sans cesse sur le plugin d'OCS et qui reste encore aujourd'hui sans réponse

From Asset search bulk action, I would love to be able to open a ticket associated to all selected elements.
Being able to easily search for entities and then from Action button open a ticket against the selected items. That would make adding compute or switch entities against a ticket very easy.

New Configuration Item types : Business Service and IT Service
Business Service definition:
Name / Owner / Availability target(%)/Description / Business Impact /
Link with : Hosts, IT Service
IT Service definition :
Name / Manager / Business Impact / Cost / Business Criticality / Description / Availability target(%)

Automatic ticket open when events in glpi
My suggestion is to insert options in business rules, to open automatic tickers, when internal events occur in glpi.
- Assets with offline status
- Modified asset
- Contract renewal
- Updating expired licenses
and any other option that we can insert with business rules
*Language: EN
Minha sugestão é inserir opções em regras de negocio, para abertura de tickets automático, quando ocorrer acontecimentos internos no glpi.
- Ativos com status offline
- Ativos modificado
- Renovação de contrato
- Atualização de licenças vencidas
e qualquer outra opção que podemos inserir com regras de negocio
*Idioma: PT-BR
Customer support service by UserEcho