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Improving Project Management
I see the importance of implementing improvements in project management

creation plugin accounts payable and accounts receivable
seria interessante existir um plugin voltado para o controle financeiro

Adding users to a subsidiary.
Good afternoon. I use glpi as the helpdesk system, it is the main organization that has a subsidiary. The basic organization users are added LDAP means, how all these people are added to the subsidiary. The manual is not a solution. GLPI 0.90.3 Thanks

Visitor Registration in secure areas
We are doin'g the Visitor Registration to the Secure Areas in paper, there is a way to make those registration in GLPI ?
We need to register the secure areas and register visitors entry to the areas, date, motive, people.
If a room that is a secure area is a asset. Therefore it was important that we can register the visitor's ( support all the assets within the room )

Link Ticket Category to task Category
I'm talking of the Ticket task on processing that aren't linked and they are only used in the Ticket task.
It's only to put a new field in the database of the Ticket task category with the id of the ticket category, and when creating a new Ticket task we filter the combo.

phone number as a parent of the actual phone
We have portable ip-dect phones in the company, and these phones break quite often.
We are a bit puzzled on how to use glpi for this use case. Now when a phone breaks we create a new phone and set the old one as defect.
When we do a search request we see a nice overview of all the times the phone was replaced.
The problem occurs when a phone gets lost. Then we create a new phone. a week later the phone is recovered and we put the phone back in our reserve pool of devices. The only problem is that the phone serial is then allready registered to the phone number.
So when you re register the phone to a new number the overview of when and how a phone was replaced is gone.
Ideal would be to create a phone number, and then attach a device to that phone number. That way you would always have an overvieuw of when and how a phone was broken and replaced.

List of computers and telephones is not displayed
List of computers and telephones is not displayed,
after upgrading from 0.90.4 to 9.1 RC2,
A link ( on a computer running

Massive actions results display
Hello the team !
It would be nice if the 'Operation performed partially successful' results of massive actions could detail the number of success and not only failures.
At the moment, if some actions fails you get the details :
sprintf(__('(%1$d authorizations problems, %2$d failures)'), $nbnoright, $nbko)
It woud be nice, if also some actions succeed, to have the details
sprintf(__('(%1$d success, %2$d authorizations problems, %3$d failures)'), $nbok, $nbnoright, $nbko)

Is it possible to add a filed called "Sub-Category" under "Category" tab
as it'll help us to categories all incidents more accurately.
Category:- Infra
Sub-Category: CPU, Memory, Storage etc
Category:- Application
Sub-Category: HTTPD Service, FTP Service, Tomcat Service etc

plugin management: buton colours
At the moment install/update/enable/disable buttons in the plugin management menu are all the same colour.
This makes it _very_ easy to miss items.
Please change the button colours to make the page status easier to view "at a glance"
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