Welcome to GLPi feature request service.
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Add mandatory fields for assets.

Alex W hace 9 años actualizado por asdf hace 5 años 5
Add mandatory fields for assets.

Entities from LDAP

Megachip hace 9 años actualizado por CDuv hace 9 años 1
Is it possible to get (and sync/update) the entities from ldap (Same for User -> Entity link, dynamic if not static)

Change the Main Login Template

Juan Fernando Villa Hernández hace 9 años actualizado por Roberto Flores hace 7 años 1

Enable the option change the Login form style, Logo and Background by templates even the option out of business, in construction and so on.


Define an alias for an entity

glpi hace 10 años actualizado hace 5 años 2
Add a field to specify entity 'Alias to display'

Will be used :
  • Notification : 2 tags : shortentity = alias or short name entity = completename
  • Form header : display alias or short name with completename in tooltip
Original request : https://forge.glpi-project.org/issues/4534

Add the posibility to put Maps and the option "Ubication" with coordenates and metadata

Juan Fernando Villa Hernández hace 9 años actualizado por glpi hace 7 años 6
Please enable the posibility to puts maps in the "ubication" option with coordenates and metadata.

Disable new notifications after upgrade

nicolas quiniou-briand hace 9 años actualizado por tyrone wyatt hace 9 años 4

When new notifications are created on a GLPI version, an upgrade to this version active these notifications.

For example, if you upgrade from 0.84 to 0.90, following notifications will be active after upgrade :

  • New change
  • Update change
  • Resolve change
  • Add task
  • Update task
  • Delete task
  • Close change
  • Delete change
  • New project
  • Update project
  • Delete project
  • Receiver Errors
  • New project task
  • Update project task
  • Delete project task

This is the default behavior of GLPI : new notifications are active. If you don't know, our users may be surprised.

Please disable new notifications after upgrade.


copy or duplicate item

Gilberto Tuñon hace 9 años 0
If possible copy item on devices, computer or monitor, to don't as new similar item or use a lot of template for equal item.

Allow to enable SNMP inventory features

Erique Souza hace 9 meses actualizado por Rémi Julien hace 7 meses 1

Today in the SNMP inventory it is not possible to select whether or not to bring the resources it brings, such as: Model, Manufacturer, Description, Network Ports, Firmware, etc. There is something similar created in Administration > Inventory, where we can disable some resources We don't want to have the inventory of agents at all, but there is nothing we can deny partial import when we are talking about SNMP inventory.

My suggestion would be precisely that, allowing us to disable the partial import of certain SNMP control information.

This would be useful in the sense of, for example:

I have a scenario where the Network ports of the Switches that were inventoried are conflicting with the device's IP information and that's why I want to make my inventory "cleaner" and more "focused", so I disable the switch's network port inventory, the others data I want to have the complete inventory minus this one.


Allow to define if a location can be related to a ticket or not

Eduardo Spinola hace 1 año 0

Hello, I would like to suggest an improvement in the location part of GLPI, which allows to define if a location can be related to a ticket or not. The goal is to force the user to choose the most specific location, especially when using multiple hierarchical levels of location, such as city > branch x > floor > room.

This would facilitate the management of tickets, avoiding that the user chooses a generic or incorrect location, and allowing to filter tickets by location more easily. It would also help to avoid unnecessary trips or surprises when attending a ticket in a certain location.

I believe that this functionality would be useful for many users of GLPI, and I hope that it can be implemented in a future version. 

Thank you for your attention.


Título: Permitir definir se uma localização pode ser relacionada a um chamado ou não


Olá, eu gostaria de sugerir uma melhoria na parte de localização do GLPI, que permita definir se uma localização pode ser relacionada a um chamado ou não. O objetivo é poder forçar o usuário a escolher a localização mais específica, em especial quando se utilizam vários níveis hierárquicos de localização, exemplo cidade > filial x > andar > sala.

Isso facilitaria o gerenciamento dos chamados, evitando que o usuário escolha uma localização genérica ou incorreta, e permitindo filtrar os chamados por localização mais facilmente. Também ajudaria a evitar viagens desnecessárias ou surpresas ao atender um chamado em uma determinada localização.

Eu acredito que essa funcionalidade seria útil para muitos usuários do GLPI, e espero que ela possa ser implementada em uma versão futura.

Obrigado pela atenção.


Link multiple groups to an asset

Andrea Rossi hace 2 años actualizado por Deininger IT hace 1 año 1

It would be useful to be able to link multiple groups to an asset.

There are cases where multiple teams use an asset and having this possibility would be useful as we could have visibility of which assets a group uses and vice versa which groups use an asset. For example, during maintenance interventions, I can see who uses the asset and notify only those groups.