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"First name" and "Last name" field isn't respecting the order defined at User preferences

Eduardo de Oliveira hace 2 años 0

When creating a new user, it's showing the "Last Name" and "First Name" fields into USA format.

In my country (Brazil), it's more common we fill the First name and the Last name after.

Into my User preferences and at Global preferences, we'd set the Display order of lastnames firstnames (Ordem de exibição de sobrenomes e nomes) to "First Name, Last Name" (Primeiro nome, Sobrenome).

It would be great if GLPI also reflect this preference at it's forms.


New Tickets visible for all groups in an Entity

a scognamiglio hace 2 años 0
Suppose to have an entity with three groups (Client, Support I Level and Support II Level).
I would like to have the following behaviour:
- when an user from Client group creates a ticket, this is automatically assigned to Support I Level group without being visible to the Support II Level.

The problem is when a ticket is in status "NEW" and all the groups have the property  "Assign" enabled, the ticket is visible by all of them.

This behaviour is a huge problem according to ITIL v4 Foudation best practices form Information Technology Service Management.

It could be possible to implement a solution for this problem?


Knowledge base article as part of ticket templates

Gonzalo Porcel hace 3 años 0

I am using GLPi templates to set up very specific workflows. Each ticket template has its own knowledge base article.

It would be awesome if I could set up a knowledge base article as a predefined item in a ticket template.

This would save as a lot of work and it would be as simple as being able to set a URL link when you define a template.


In a ticket, Automatically filter the list of equipment in the "element" tab in relation to the location of the ticket.

BPS hace 4 años 0

In a ticket, Automatically filter the list of equipment in the "element" tab in relation to the location of the ticket.


Cloned Tickets on new status

Iván Ramírez Alcobendas hace 4 años 0

When i clon a ticket the clon is cloned in the same state. If this is closed and i have not permmision to reopen i cant use this utility. I think is more usefull to clone a ticket on new state.


Custom Fields with TAG for email notification usage

Rodrigo Lima hace 5 años 0

Can you work on next update to make Custom fields be able to:

- Auto create tag for the field created

- Use the tag with Email notification

This way we can send emails with custom field information, this would improve a lot the usability of the plugin what is already very good, if needed some investiment let me know i will be more than happy to help.

En revisión

Push the save button in botton screen

FBSDev hace 5 años actualizado por glpi hace 5 años 1

Put the Save button and trash up there along with the options, sometimes you have called with a lot of text, you have to scroll down to the end to save


Image 253

En revisión

Task split in ticket

Sico31 hace 5 años actualizado por Curtis Conard hace 2 años 2


like for follow, transform a task in a ticket and link this new ticket as a son


gestion des procédures

Sico31 hace 6 años actualizado hace 4 años 2

GLPI etant avant tout un outil destiné aux helpdesk, ceux-ci sont aussi très friands de procédures/documentation diverses et variées.

Je suis étonné que GLPI ne propose pas un tel module afin de gérer les procédures de façon efficace, propre, lisible avec recherche, visionneuse, appels a des ressources serveurs externes et autres outils de visionnage.

il y a bien certes un module documents, mais celui-ci est un joyeux b.. fourre-tout qui regroupe aussi bien la doc de l'équipe IT que les documents transmis par les utilisateurs via les pièce jointes des tickets (et obsolètes/inutiles au bout de plusieurs mois).

L'idéal serait de pouvoir publier nos documents avec metadonnées simples et classements/sous classements possibles.
Un paramétrage permettrai même de pointer vers un dossier réseau pour le dépot de ces fichiers (sinon, copie sur la base GLPI qui va grossir, grossir ...).

Pourquoi pas indiquer les lecteur/visionneuses en local selon les extensions (pdf, open office, office, etc) pour éviter tout téléchargement de fichier en local !

Ce la ressemble certes à une GED, mais plus légère, souple et implémentée dans GLPI donc facilement accessible au helpdesk et autres équipes.


KB articles linked to tasks

Joe Lee hace 6 años actualizado por GregBcn hace 5 años 1

Could be great if we could link KB articles to Tasks and not just Solutions.
For example, our technicians could look into the KB on how to configure the VPN for a client and use it as a task.
The end user doesn't care much to receive the procedure to configure his VPN as a solution :)

Also, the possibility to link those KB to Task Templates would be great.
