Please check if the feature has not already been requested.
If not, please describe it
business rules : add criterion "redactor", "redactor in group", "technician in group"
Currently in GLPI 9.1.5, you can't do actions based on criterion like "redactor" (creator), "redactor in group" or "technician in group"
It would be realy useful in order to make a business rules like that :
- if redactor in IT Group, assign IT group to ticket (if tickets aren't auto assign to redactor)
- if technician in IT Group, assign IT group to ticket
Currently you can't do that simply.
Upload max filesize
Instead of php.ini, each administrator (or operator) would have to decide upload_max_filesize = 5M
Add an option in GLPI to set the "upload_max_filesize = " instead of php.ini
Sessions expire
Instead of php.ini and httpd.conf, each administrator (or operator) would have to decide how long the GLPI should be inactivated from your session: now we are going to do a 10-minute troubleshooting, We return, the session closes.
Add an option in GLPI to set the session expire instead of php.ini and httpd.conf
You could even configure the message, "Your session has expired" in the login page, once it is redirected to the login page.
Split solution description in 2
Split a solution in two fields :
- solution for the user (in general a short text)
- technical solution : a link to a KB article
If a KB article is created from a solution, link the solution to the article.
Disable notifications for user's own changes/Followups when made by e-mail. GLPI 9.1.2
I noticed, that when I simulate a client and send a email followup, I get a "copy" response of my own followup to my email.
I've seen several users displeased by this topic.
Possibility to add a group as watcher on the simplified interface
Possibility to add a group as watcher on the simplified interface, at the moment is possible to do it only in the standard interface
Business rules: add validation state in criterias
It would be nice to have added the criteria "validation state" in the ticket business rules.
This way, when a validation is needed, I could set a rule freezing the SLA until the ticket goes back to the treating service.
Please! An important suggestion to add the status
Please add the status of "approval" for ticket that appears automatically at the time of the request for validation, as new and processing (assigned) and Solved, etc.Please, very need!
tasks chain
When a ticket has several tasks to do, you can add the ability to link between them in order to see the tracking of the resolution ?
Timezone Plugin integration
Plain simple. Having users in different timezones is not easy without this plugin.
Let's add it to the core.
By the way thanks Tomolino.
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