Please check if the feature has not already been requested.
If not, please describe it
See connected switch port + device in network port list of an location
Is there any way to see connected devices and switch (ports) in network outlet view of an location?
Would be really useful for me.
add button to connect to teamviewer
fusioninventory is already looking for the teamviewer ID. Now a "button" to connect automatically to this computer would be fine.
that's easy: if I click on this button "connect to teamviewer", what happen technically ? Which weblink should be called ?
Roport of time-cost used for co-workers or freelance people.
I have various freelancer tech in my team. When I need to pay to them I must to review ticket and task to calculate the time used for each service of each entity.
add fields in ticket template feature, as we need to add in some different requests/incidents types
it is very important to us to add fields not existed by default in glpi, please fine a way to add them without the addon of additional fileds
Allow change Ticket status from Follow up form
Allow to change Ticket status from processing to pending when giving a follow up (for example you can add a checkbox near the follow up form)
Add Licence PER User
Hi guys, is it possible for the next versions "add licence per user"? Assuming there're some licence types like O365, this enhance could give more possibilites.
send email to new user with their default password + dpocumentation on GLPI
it would be great to be able to send an automatic mail to new users created. So far, i need to write an e-mail to each new user with their credential (sometimes with misstake) and some documentation about "how to use GLPI".
Would be great to have an automatic e-mail after creating a new user
Add "end of support" on asset management
The end of support is different of
Exemple asset EMC VNX 5300 (SAN storage) have a end of support the january 2020.
I have a gurantie of these asset until 2018.
I know i could maximum extend the guarantee to january 2020.
Password Mananged to have all password mananement in the GLPi " printers, servers, app, license "
to have all password mananement in the GLPi " printers, servers, app, license "
Add a searchioption parameter to look for a ticket by it's exact ID
Add a possibility to look for a ticket by it's exact ID, and not using "contains".
For example "contains 2" will gather id 2, 22, and so on.
Customer support service by UserEcho