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how we can download the Historical log in report

Mukur hace 3 años actualizado por glpi hace 3 años 1

Is any way to extract the GLPI historical data in xls format.


Button for entering technician information

CarlosSouza hace 3 años 0

It would be nice to have a button in the "Follow-ups" and "Solutions" that you place at the end of the text typed in the text field.

A suggestion would be:

1) The technician types the text in the field;

2) Press a button on the screen;

3) At the end of the typed text, the name of the logged in technician is added.

If we could define some more text on the button (besides the name), it would be nice too :)


Add api call to attatch file to followup

enBoig hace 3 años 0

I managed to upload a file using api rest, but I couldn't find a way to link it to a followup.

I don't know if it is missing, or I miss it in documentation. I tried to register the forum to ask there, but I couldn't (my 2 address are identified as spam); and I didn't receive an answer to my mails asking for help with my account.


Cierre de tickets

Jahuma hace 3 años 0

Buen día,

Seria bueno que el caso lo pudiera cerrar el solucionador directamente sin que el solicitante actue


Windows 11

lucascoracaofiel hace 3 años 0

Olá, o glpi não consegue encontrar a atualização do sistema Windows 11. Alguns computadores da empresa já atualizaram e continuam fazendo leitura normalmente, porem não houve a inserção do Windows 11 no bloco do mesmo! 


Droit fin sur les gabarits de suivis

t guichard hace 3 años 0

Ajouter dans la gestion des profils la possibilités de définir des droits sur la lecture, mise à jour, création et purge, pour les gabarits de suivis des tickets.


Associate More Than One Item in a Ticket/Form

NanaVoid hace 3 años actualizado por glpi hace 3 años 1

I wish when I could add more than one associate item in GLPI Forms, and those items should appear with the full name when the ticket is generated by Forms. 


Search by text in follow-up

carlosbmc hace 3 años actualizado por Curtis Conard hace 3 años 1

Make follow-up searchable.

At this moment there is no any way to sear a Ticket by text in follow-up


Automatically change status to procesing when self-service upload document

carlosbmc hace 3 años 0

When Ticket is in "Waiting" status, there is no any way to Change status to "Processing" when document is attached by the self service user.
Either There is no way using rules.

Could be enhance the GLPI to do this, although using a rule.

| Bug fix? /no
| New feature? | yes