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Problem with rule to assign technician group

Javier Samaniego hace 9 años actualizado hace 8 años 1

I have a business rule that assign a technician group by category, for add and update. The group is added but i want change it.

Also the notification to the technician group is not sending in update case and I've set the notification for update ticket as "Group in charge of the ticket".

Thanks in advance.


Assign subscription plans/packages to telephone numbers

AktivniUporabnik hace 1 mes 0


  • Create a new category - subsciption plans
  • Add a field or tab in the Lines menu of a specific number to assign subscription plans.
  • Include customizable details like plan name, cost, features, and duration.
  • Enable filtering and reporting based on subscription plans.

Improves telecom subscription management, reporting, and resource tracking.


Guidance on Managing Cables and Passive Devices in GLPI: Documentation and Video Resources

Eduardo Spinola hace 1 mes actualizado hace 1 mes 0

"Português: Poderia ser explicado como funciona a gestão de cabos e dispositivos passivos no GLPI? Existe alguma documentação ou vídeo explicativo sobre o uso deste módulo?"

"Français: Pourriez-vous expliquer comment fonctionne la gestion des câbles et des dispositifs passifs dans GLPI? Y a-t-il une documentation ou une vidéo explicative sur l'utilisation de ce module?"

"English: Could the management of cables and passive devices in GLPI be explained? Is there any documentation or explanatory video on using this module?"


Allow watchers to change ticket status

Ubiratan Reis hace 1 mes 0

Hello, I think it would be a nice feature to have the option to allow watchers to chance ticket status when submiting a follow up via GLPI.

In my company sometime a ticket needs to have a green light of a third party (we've not yet fully implemented the approval module) or add relevant information to a ticket.

The way it works today is that if said user replies via e-mail GLPI will change the status back do processing but if they do via GLPI page, even if they uncheck the pending button, status won't change.


Allow use of consumables to tickets

Jesse Techno hace 2 meses 0

When using a ticket, I want to assign some consumables to it and have them be adjusted in the consumables panel.

So, if I have a printer that the team submitted a ticket for more ink, 

  1. I go into the ticket
  2. click a new "consumables" tab
  3. Add the consumables to the ticket (just like items, only with the extra "consumables" data like who it's assigned to)
  4. The inventory in consumables changes to reflect the ink that was used.


Dashboard data optimization

Carlos Zimmer hace 2 meses 0
 Must have a Computers dashboard by operating system. 

"Computers by operating system"

W7, w10, w11, ubnt, redh....


Create dynamic groups based on installed software

larsen007 hace 2 meses 0

For example, gather every computer in a group that has Google Chrome installed. Seems to be impossible at the moment (GLPI 10.0.17).


Add documents already known in the GLPI database to ticket follow-ups/tasks/resolutions

Loiseau2nuit hace 3 meses 0

Currently, when editing a ticket (or a 'problem' or a 'change') and you want to attach a document, it is only possible to upload NEW documents. It should really be possible to search for an existing document, already known in GLPI database, to attach it to our ticket.


"Answer" in predefined fields in ticket templates doesn't exist

Urtzi hace 3 meses actualizado por iPaulis hace 3 meses 1


I would like you to add the option to set a template "answer" in the predefined fields, as this option does not currently exist. What I want is that when you click the "Answer" button in the tickets, a preselected template with the response for the ticket automatically appears.

Tickets template > Predefined Field > Answer not exist

Image 496

There is a similar option now, but you have to select the answer template manually. It would be great, if glpi could do it automatically base on a predefined field.

Image 500


When creating ticket, add item without the need to push the "Add" button

The Cake Itself hace 4 meses 0

Original GitHub issue:


  1. Press "Create a ticket"
  2. Go to "items" section
  3. Choose an item
  4. Notice that if you don't press "add" right below the items, but use the "+Add" button at the bottom of the page, ticket gets created without the asset assigned to the ticket

It would be great if item would be added to ticket without the need to push the "Add" button.