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Include Network service

Fabio Crispim hace 4 años 0

Include option Network Server (protocol and port, like SIP:5060 and ONVIF ports 554, 80, etc), to bind multiples devices (N<>N), like ip cameras and nvr, voip phones and ippbx


Additional ports to Surveillance

Fabio Crispim hace 4 años 0

Include addition port BNC, for analogical cameras and DVR/HVRs 


Additional ports to Telephony

Fabio Crispim hace 4 años 0

Add new port option to telephony, like, FXS, FXO, E1/PRI to link with Lines items.

And ports GSM, to link to the SIM Cards.


Disponibilizar as Dashboards

Carlos Augusto Lopes hace 4 años actualizado por Eduardo Spinola hace 3 años 1

Disponibilizar as Dashboards que aparecem para os Super-Admins, também para os technicos e Admins ou até gerentes


Align "External Links" left for a better experience

Carsten hace 4 años actualizado hace 4 años 0

It would be great if you'd align "External Links" (for example from "Computers") *LEFT* for a way better neat viewing experience, especially if you have many items.

Thanks, thanks, thanks!



icon in user category (additional fields)

Nicolas MATHIEU hace 4 años actualizado hace 4 años 1

Image 393


Knowledge Base Default View

cschaefer hace 4 años 0

Can we add an ability to change the default view in the Knowledge Base? Some of my articles have so many pictures added as associated elements, and I'd rather just hide that column by default for all Users and just show Subject and Category.


affichage ticket lié dans onglet "ticket"

DGSN hace 4 años actualizado por anonymous hace 4 años 0

lorsqu'un ticket est lié à un autre (ticket enfant), il est affiché en liste dans l'onglet "ticket".

Dans cette liste, il y a un code couleur qui symbolise l'état du ticket.

Malheureusement, lorsque le ticket enfant est à la corbeille, cela n'apparaît pas sur cet affichage. Pourtant, il me semble que l'information indiquant que ce ticket est à la corbeille, est plus pertinente que l'état de ce ticket dans la corbeille.

Bien cordialement.


SLA : Set Ticket Status to "Pending" when have a question to the ticket requester

oj6908 hace 4 años 0

Stop running SLA counter on an assigned ticket with SLA in case the technican have a call back to the ticket requester. The ticket status shall be changed to "Pending" by the system.

Right now the ticket status must be manually changed to "Pending" by the technican. Otherwise the SLA will not work as desired. Sometimes the technican forget the change so the SLA is not calculated correctly.


Allow to change ticket number order in the notification mail subject for tickets

markwakwak hace 4 años 0


It would be nice to be able to set the ticket number at the end of the subject of the notification mail sent for tickets.

For instance, instead of having :

[GLPI #123456] Entity - My problem - Technician in charge

To be able to set :

My problem - Technician in charge - Entity [GLPI #123456]