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UI bug - confirming changes before leaving any page.

Alan Brown il y a 7 ans 0

I'm filing this as a bug, not an idea, due to the number of times I get complaints from users.

In assets/{whatever}/{entityname} (eg, assets/printers/foo)

If you have edited any field (eg, name) in any tab (eg, printers, name) and then switch to another tab on the same entity (eg, network ports) without clicking "Save" then all changes are lost.

The problem also occurs if moving away from any page which has been modified.

GLPI should either update automatically (not recommended) or ask if the user wishes to save before continuing (recommended)


Whilst you can argue that if a user switches to another page on GLPI without saving, he deliberately did not intend to save, this argument cannot be applied to switching between tabs on the same entity (eg, when updating or creating data for a printer or computer).

It is safer to request confirmation and saves much enduser confusion/annoyance (I have been yelled at by managers because of this behaviour, they put the blame firmly on the software, not on their failing to click "save")

Even experienced users sometimes forget to click save.


Automatic assignment of a sla according to a period

chguigoz il y a 7 ans 0

Hello to all.
In my company, we have time periods of intervention in working hours (8-18h) and not working hours (18h-8 a hour, weekend and holidays).
The ticket's SLA varies according to these time periods.
To implement this need in GLPI, I created two different SLA : WO (working hours) and NWO (not working hours) with each two SLT:
- > time response = 30 mn in WO and 2 hours in NWO
- > time of resolution = 2 mn in WO and 4 hours in NWO
Both SLA are based on their own calendar, one for WO and the other one for NWO.


if a ticket is created at two o'clock am, the SLA to apply is the NWO

if the ticket is created at 11 am in the morning on worked Monday, the SLA to apply is the WO.

In GLPI, i did'nt find how  to affect automatically the good SLA according to the period of creation of the ticket. I did'nt find possibility of using the calendar in rules.
Is somebody has an advice with regard to this need?
Thank you for your help !


Organize personal view

Nicolas il y a 7 ans 0

Possibility to organize / move / hide modules in personal view


Automate backup by automatic actions

Thiago Passamani il y a 7 ans 0

As a suggestion you have an option to automate the GLPI backup by automatic actions.


Create combo to select active entity in login

Daniel Alves il y a 7 ans 0

 Create combo to select active entity in login. After selection, in the simplified interface, the user must register called to selected entity.


ability to add note in tickets

Sebastien il y a 7 ans 0


Should be great if we can (mass) add notes to tickets in helpdesk tickets' list or in a ticket (with a field named Note like History, Changes, Problems, etc.)

These notes would only be accessible for tech / manager not for users.



create new asset categories in the asset drop down menu

RDobbsOKC il y a 7 ans mis à jour par Megachip il y a 7 ans 1

the ability to create new asset categories in the asset drop down menu. 

like Servers, Cameras, etc...  and choose and create custom fields for the new asset type that you want and or need. 


one button for follow up send no email and follow up email

atacikia il y a 7 ans mis à jour par Thomas L il y a 2 ans 1

one button for follow up send no email and follow up email


mass add notes in computers' selection (computers' list)

Sebastien il y a 8 ans 0


When you have the same note to add to multiple computers in computers' list, you have to do it one by one and by entering to computer's note field

It would be great to have the ability to mass add notes when selecting multiple computers and click on Actions -> Modify -> Notes field



Add option to ldap disable account

Yannick il y a 8 ans mis à jour par glpi il y a 7 ans 1


It would be useful to add option in ldap : if account is disable = disable