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Asset templates should be per entity and recursives (child entity yes/no)

Tomolimo 9 лет назад обновлен glpi 9 лет назад 9


Currently asset templates are defined in an entity and they are not inherited by child entities. One must recreate them to be able to use them in sub-entities.

Thank you,




setup default entity and default profil by rule

philippe chauvin 9 лет назад 0

Add possibility to assign "default" profil and "default" entity by the rule "Authorizations assignment rules".

Currently, it is just possible to add profil to an entity.


Add Category to Software Dictionary

Megachip 9 лет назад обновлен 9 лет назад 1

Would be cool to have the availability to set the software category via dictionary rule (Like it is possible for Software, Version, Publisher and Entity)


Allow assign more tha 1 licence per server

Christian Bernard 9 лет назад обновлен dubravko sever 7 лет назад 1

Currently, we can't assign more than 1 license per server. It cause calculation issues when we apply CORE or CAL licensing

EX; SQL 4 CORES licensing can't be directly assign. I have to create a software entry manually with (4) at the end, the multiplicate my cost x4 to add it to management sheet


Pouvoir changer le chemin DN d'un compte AD

eric le-corre 9 лет назад обновлен glpi 7 лет назад 4


Un compte importé dans GLPI a un chemin DN (DN de l'utilisateur), ce chemin sert pour la connexion.

Problème, si la structure de l'active directory change, le chemin DN n'est plus bon dans GLPI.
ex : si CN=alain le grand,OU=Billetterie,OU=toto,OU=Utilisateurs,DC=domaine,DC=lan devient CN=alain le grand,OU=commercial,OU=toto,OU=Utilisateurs,DC=domaine,DC=lan.

Ou alors si il y a pas exemple une migration de l'AD vers un autre domaine.

Il serait bon que dans GLPI le chemin DN soit un champ modifiable que l'administrateur peut modifier si besoin pour correction.

Sinon il faut supprimer l'utilisateur et le réimporter mais je pense que les liens vers ses anciens tickets sont perdus.


monitor size as a rational number

soft 9 лет назад обновлен Tomás Abad 7 лет назад 4

It would be great to be able to specify the size of the monitor using a rational number, such as: 21.5", 20.1", 23.6", etc.


Optimize entities loading time ( drop ) when selecting from the popup.

Institut FIMAC 9 лет назад обновлен glpi 7 лет назад 5

The entities of the selection list in the popup is very long when instructed GLPI contains more than 500 entities.

A pre- loading and caching would be a possible


add user search simple interface

Yannick Labbé 9 лет назад обновлен glpi 8 лет назад 2


It would be very useful for users to have the possibility to find users in global search.

It would allow to use glpi as directory (mail, phone,...)


Preview GIF images in ticket processing

tyrone wyatt 9 лет назад 0

Currently If a JPG or PNG image document is attached to a ticket there is a preview of the image in ticket processing.

For other types of images like GIF there isn't a preview.

Often our users will use the Windows Snipping Tool to create screen shots for tickets.

Can you preview these images? I don't think previewing animated GIF is required, just static ones.


Ticket categories 'Visible in the Standard interface' option

tyrone wyatt 9 лет назад обновлен 9 лет назад 0

I require the Ticket categories option 'Visible in the Standard interface' Yes/No.

We would like to hide Ticket categories used only by simplified interface when using Standard interface.

Currently there is only an option in Ticket categories for 'Visible in the simplified interface' Yes/No.

For our self-service users we only list two Ticket categories, Software Support and Technical Support. When a ticket is created using these Ticket categories the ticket is assigned to a group of the same name. The technician assigned to the ticket updates the tickets Ticket category to an appropriate Ticket category based on Services not groups.

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