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Knowledge base - validation workflow for articles submission
It would be nice to have a finer management of the rights in the Knowledge base in order to implement a simple validation workflow. If the rights of writing and publishing could be taken apart, we could have one "writer" profil who would submit (and have his articles not published) and a "publisher" profile who would review all the articles and publish after approval.
Model the uninterruptible power supply (UPS) and what they are powering
I think it would be useful to model the fact a computer or network equipment (and maybe other asset types) is powered by a given UPS (helps for power outages).
I'm not asking to create new assets types for UPS (I am using peripheral for that) but being able to link a single peripheral to multiple computer (which is not possible at the moment, it can only be linked to one computer) and/or to multiple network equipments (it's currently not possible to link peripherals to anything other than a computer).
Expand tickets in the section "Working with the ticket"
I propose to expand the section and add:
- Comments
- The problem
- Document
- Solution
the following sections:
- Call - a) In the form of offer and select the phone number to originate a call to the number specified in the card support personnel. Incoming call display in the interface and bind it to offer to the public or to create a caller requests, specify the other. (Mean integration with Asterisk)
- E-mail message - in the form of offer to choose a person from the suppliers, contacts, etc., and send a letter to preserve the history. The reply added to the application.
- Bind the ticket - I propose to transfer tickets binding functionality in the section "Working with the application", that would be seen at what stage was attached ticket.
Предлагаю расширить раздел и добавить к:
- Комментарии
- Задача
- Документ
- Решение
следующие разделы:
- Звонок - а) В форме предлагаю выбирать номер абонента и оригинировать звонок с номером указанным в карточке сотрудника поддержки. Входящий звонок показывать в интерфейсе и предлагать привязать его к открытым заявкам звонящего или создать, указать другую. (Подразумеваю интеграцию с Asterisk)
- Сообщение е-майл - В форме предлагаю выбирать абонента из поставщиков, контактов и т.п., отправлять письмо и сохранять историю. Полученный ответ добавлять к заявке.
- Привязать билет - Предлагаю перенести функционал привязки билетов в раздел "Работа с заявкой", что бы было видно на какой стадиии был привязан билет.
Notifications on ticket business rules
The idea is to add the possibility to send notifications on business rules.
Example: Send notification when impact >= 'high' and urgency => 'high'.
Thank you
Computer location rule based on regex result
Hi! It would be great if in the rules section, we could set the computer location based on the regex result, instead of only selecting it from the list. That way we could add rules that assign the location based on the computer name. Thanks!
Log the changes of user picture in Historical
When the user picture is changed, this event is not recorded nowhere.
Automatic action for Synchronizing already imported users
I am often required to synchronize my imported users manually to update first/last names, email or photo from AD to GLPI.
Could this be an automated task like mailgate in which a number of existing users could be automatically synchronised outside of business hours? As an example I might run the task from 00:00 to 04:00 every 5 minutes and synchronize 50 user at a time.
This automated action would reduce our need to perform the action manually.
Add an environment to test notifications templates
Create an environment where we can test notifications templates. Today I have to develop and test the template sending the email to myself to see how are the template.
Service d'assistance aux clients par UserEcho