Please check if the feature has not already been requested.
If not, please describe it
Copy the location of the computer to the ticket.
When you create a ticket from a computer, it would speed up the work if the location of the computer were copied to the ticket.
notification by categories
As we use glpi in a wide range of categories, it would be a great improuvement to have the possibility to make a different text notification for the categories we'd like to. Thanks
Project - Kanban - Add member directly for a task in the Kanban interface
In a project, and especially in the Kanban, the member management is very painful. It required a lot of click in order to add or remove a user to a task. You can find below some ideas to reduce the number of click required.
In the Kanban interface, when you have a task with a user attached, is-it possible to make the user picture clickable and to display a menu to remove or add an user to this task?
When you click on a task, is-it possible to display in the information panel an option to manage member?
When you click on a task, is-it possible to display in the member panel an option to delete selected user in the team member panel in a task?
Ability to see users past devices from "users"
It wold be great to check the past of used things from a user-view (in "users") - Example: Which Smartphone/Laptop was used by the user in the past: Very hard to find this anwer from a category-basis.
Thanks, thanks, thanks!
manage cluster and VM to computers
Hi, i would like to link a virtual computer to a cluster and link several servers (computers) to a cluster.
Do you know if is it possible ?
Block task duration
Is it possible to block the duration of tasks to a maximum? If so, is this also possible depending on the categories?
Remote intervention> 1h max
On-site intervention> 2h max
gabarit tâche projet
lors de la création d'un gabarit de tâche de projet la liste déroulante "Comme enfant de" ne présente que la liste de tâches de projets existantes. Est-ce qu'il serait possible d'avoir la liste des gabarits des tâches de projet ? Cela me semblerait plus logique pour construire une arborescence type de tâches de projets liée à un gabarit de projet.
Bien cordialement.
Task & Sub Tasks at root level project
####### UK (almost) #######
The task view in a project contains a parent column. Great when you want to look at all the tasks.
However, this is quickly unreadable when you want to observe only tasks of the current level.
At the level of sub-tasks the problem does not arise.
Why not limit the view of tasks at the project level to only that of the directly inferior level and not all the tasks ?
####### FR #######
La vue des tâches dans un projet contient une colonne père. Très bien quand tu veux regarder toutes les tâches.
Cependant, c'est rapidement illisible lorsque vous souhaitez observer uniquement les tâches du niveau actuel.
Au niveau des sous tâches le problème ne se pose pas.
Pourquoi ne pas limiter la vue des tâches au niveau projet à seulement celle du niveau directement inféreur et non toutes les tâches ?
New ticket collected and assignement
We get tickets with email Receiver.
When tecnicien opens a new ticket, he has to enter "Category" and "Assigned to" himself.
For "Assigned to", it's very easier to use icon "Issociate myself".
But doing this in only ONE step is not possible :
- you have to enter "Category"
- then Save
- then clic "Associate myself" is well assigned
Note : it's the same with Watcher...
Notification on Ticket as watcher
Hi Community,
Is it possible in GLPI that on the ticket creation, I added someone as watcher and when there is an update or if ticket is closed, the watcher can be notified thru email or there will be a notification bell on the user GLPI interface.
Customer support service by UserEcho