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Time Based Contract

SqueeZe il y a 8 mois 0

In our business it is normal to sell a contract for X number of support hours. For Example, we have 40hours/month. Please add this type of contract


Add a task to automatically change inventory mode to global for bogus peripheral

Stead il y a 8 mois 0


I already opened tickets in the past for this issue, it has been partially solved by adding more rules to glpi inventory when filtering serial numbers.

The issue is that we cannot detect all of them and there is no way to detect bogus peripheral in GLPI itself.

One workaround is to manually set inventory management to global when we find a peripheral with a fake serial number (most of them are cheap chinese adapter or usb composite devices) but it requires an admin to find one of them.

In one year we generated more than 25,000,000 log records.
To prevent database from exploding we enabled the cron task that flush logs after one month, but we also flush valuable informations such as owner history on legit devices.

Is it possible to have a task to automatically configure management type from unit to global for example if it changes more than x times the owner in the last x days ?

Cause those lines are created over and over.
We have 500 computers which only inventory themselves once a day, if we shorten the delay, it bloats the database even more cause those devices jump after each inventory from one computer to another


Add general email field in groups definition data

Núria Costa il y a 9 mois mis à jour il y a 9 mois 0

Pot ser molt útil afegir un camp de correu electrònic a les dades de definició del grup.

Alguns usuaris ens demanen que enviem les notificacions a un correu electrònic del departament general quan es creen, s'actualitzen o es tanquen algunes entrades. En general, creem grups per departament.
Per exemple, si tenim un grup anomenat "Sistemes i infraestructures" (per al departament d'informàtica de sistemes) i aquest grup té un correu electrònic general com "systems.infraestructure@domain.cat" pot ser molt útil enviar algunes notificacions directament a aquest. correu electrònic.

Aleshores, s'hauria de necessitar un nou destinatari a la definició de notificació. Podria ser, per exemple, "Grup responsable del tiquet - Correu electrònic general".


Display devices in form of cards

Ricardo Alexander Perez Ricard il y a 9 mois 0

I suggest adding the option to display in cards graphically show the location of the PCs.The display in the form of cards is great and the detail of the button that indicates whether the device is on or off seems fabulous to me. But I think that an ideal complement would be to provide the application with the ability to visualize the location of the devices on a floorplan.

I share an example:

Image 481

Image 482

Youtube video

Provide the application with the ability to visualize the location of the devices on a floorplan

Ricardo Alexander Perez Ricard il y a 9 mois 0

I suggest adding the option to add a floorplan to graphically show the location of the PCs. I share an example:

Youtube video

The display of pc's in the form of list is great. But I think that an ideal complement would be to provide the application with the ability to visualize the location of the devices on a floorplan.


Allow several values in a selector when requesting the database / pouvoir sélectionner plusieurs valeurs dans le sélecteur lors d'une requète

Loiseau2nuit il y a 9 mois 0

It would be interesting (and an awsome time win !) to be able to choose several values in those selectors when requesting/filtering the different lists :

Image 479

allowing us, for example, to perform things like in the "requester" field : 

Image 480

Thanks in advance for considering this and for further upvotes.


Lorsque l'on requète sur les différentes listes (tickets, utilisateurs, matériels, ...) ça pourrait être intéressant de pouvoir choisir plusieurs valeurs dans les sélecteurs, pour obtenir quelque chose d'identique à la 2ème image, comme sur le champ demandeur.

Merci par avance de considérer la présente amélioration, et par avance pour tous les upvotes sur cette suggestion 


Solicitud de asesoramiento: Conexión de impresoras con SNMP en GLPI

Vanessa il y a 9 mois 0

Espero que estén teniendo un excelente día.

Actualmente, estoy trabajando en un proyecto para mejorar nuestros procesos de inventario utilizando GLPI. En este sentido, me gustaría explorar la posibilidad de conectar una impresora utilizando el protocolo SNMP y conocer más sobre cómo podríamos llevar a cabo esta integración.

Agradecería mucho su orientación y asesoramiento en este tema, ya que considero que podría ser de gran utilidad para optimizar nuestras operaciones.

Quedo atento a su pronta respuesta y agradezco de antemano su colaboración.



personal and group templates

Núria Costa il y a 9 mois 0

GLPI has solution, task and project templates. All the templates are general for all the user and every day users create new templates. Lots of the templates are for specifcs groups or specific users (indivual ones).

It would be great to add the possibility to indicate what type of template is: global level, group level or individual level. Of course, related to the capabilities assigned to the user profile.

For example, for group templates, in the profile setup, it would help options like:

  • See all group templates
  • See only my groups templates 
  • Update all group templates
  • Update only my group templates
  • Create all group templates
  • Create only my group templates
  • Delete all group templates
  • Delete only my group templates

Envoi des notification par mail à deux adresses

Noé il y a 10 mois mis à jour par Loiseau2nuit il y a 9 mois 1


Actuellement en BTS d’informatique en stage au Secours Populaire Français de Haute Savoie, j’ai la mission d’améliorer l’outil GLPI (GLPI_VERSION: 9.5.5) actuellement en place afin qu’il soit plus utilisé

Je souhaite que les notifications d’incident soient envoyées à deux adresses email l’adresse actuelle et la mienne et non seulement une comme le permet “Accueil/Configuration/Notifications/Configuration des notifications par courriel “ ( /front/notificationmailingsetting.form.php)

Image 477

J’ai trouvé sur le forum un topic sur le sujet Notifications vers plusieurs Email / Utilisation GLPI / Forum GLPI-Project mais, étant tout débutant sur GLPI, je n’arrive pas à m’y retrouver entre les groupes, les règles, les formulaires etc.

Quelqu’un aurait-il la gentillesse de m’aider un peu ? En retour je m’engage à compléter le topic par un tutoriel plus explicite pour les futurs débutants comme moi 😊



Add the possibility to have the kanban WIP limit in columns

MDM il y a 10 mois mis à jour par Curtis Conard il y a 10 mois 3

It would be great to have the possibility to configure the WIP (Work in Progress) limit of a column in Kanban view.