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Adding multiple Task Templates at the same time

hypermagicmountain 8 месяцев назад 0

We have multiple task templates that we define for specific customer requestes  (e.g. onboarding, hardware-request etc.).

We organize those tasks in categories, and each of those categories contains multiple task templates.

However, when we want to add those templates to a ticket, we have to do it one by one. It would be nice to be able to add a whole group of tasks at the same time.


synology agent

nicolas darnis 8 месяцев назад обновлен 8 месяцев назад 1

GLPI Agent field not used

Thomas Derrien 8 месяцев назад 0

When performing an inventory using the GLPI-Agent (version 1.8), the XML file sent to the GLPI server includes an <IMAGE>...</IMAGE> tag for Docker containers. However, when I check the GLPI GUI, this information is not saved and does not appear.


It would be great if there was a field on the User Interface to handle and display this information.


Make Location as Reservable Item

Thales Oliveira Arakawa 8 месяцев назад 0

In some cenarios, it's necessary create a reserve for a place. Once a location is existent item on GLPI, maybe turn this item an reservable item is a good idea.


Multiple mail servers

gor3pig 8 месяцев назад 0


I work in a company that uses a purely internal Exchange mail server (no link to the Internet), which is only used for exchanges between employees.

It is configured in GLPI to send notifications by e-mail and this works well.

However, I think it would be great if we could also set up a second mail server (smtp) in GLPI for sending to external mails, so that notifications could also be sent to employee mail addresses outside the company.

This is something I've managed to do with our Exchange server by creating a mail connector specifically dedicated to sending notifications for GLPI. Except that :

- It's absolutely impractical

- It's not reliable (rejection is highly possible once the mail has arrived on the recipient server (hello Google))

- It would be 200 times simpler if GLPI allowed you to specify more than one mail server.

I don't think I'm alone in this, as quite a few system administrators have a hybrid mail system.


Add new datas for GLPIInventory ( 'list of admins' , 'external_ip' , ... )

jean-claude cavaille 8 месяцев назад 0

I will add new datas, during the Inventory task scheduled by GLPIAgent, 

* list_admins:         the list of local admins (in a Windows environment)
  Why ?                 identify, in a parc, the rogue admins

* external_ip:          the external ip of the host

    Why ?             identify if its location , Is it in telework or on a specific site 


Minimize search bar

Brandon R 9 месяцев назад обновлен Conrad C 9 месяцев назад 1

Create a minimize button that hides your search criteria. Specifically under assistance I have a 6 line search that takes up the screen if we could minimize and maybe list the saved search you are using that would make visibility and usability much better IE  

Image 488

If this part of the assistance Tickets window was like minimized to show the search button, Name of search, And maximize it would save so much space on screen.


Search and History

joaoseguro 9 месяцев назад обновлен Erique Souza 9 месяцев назад 1


Do you develop some funcionality that shows history of:

Computer asset --> witch users passed by that computer

User --> wich computers have

With dates?



Computers and licence assigned to users

joaoseguro 9 месяцев назад обновлен 9 месяцев назад 1


We use GLPI to assign hardware to certain users, and software too. We have microsoft 365 and what i desire is to, have some license associated to certain user, and automaticaly, associate to computer user. For example:

User AA is in computer AA-Pc-001. The User AA, in next day, will have assigned some Microsoft 365 Office licence.

When go to licence apply to the user, i want to automatically show in the computer asset the licence. When the user change pc, the licence is updated with new computer.

Can we do that?


Assets clone cables feature

santicastellvimargalef 10 месяцев назад 0
Add ability to clone cables to assets cable management.

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