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Add roles to manage users

Martial Séron 9 years ago updated 9 years ago 0
I create a lot of users with the same profiles/authorizations and the same groups.
It would be nice if we could have "roles" that contain groups and authorizations
Eg : There is a role named "HelpDesk Lvl1-2"
This role has :
- the profile "HelpDesk Lv1" on entity E1
- the profile "HelpDesk Lv2" on entity E2.
- the groups A, B, C, D, ...

I create a user with this role and he takes the corresponding profiles and groups.


Je crée un grand nombre d'utilisateurs avec les mêmes profils / autorisations et les mêmes groupes.
Ce serait bien si nous pouvions avoir des «rôles» qui contiendraient des groupes et des autorisations
Ex : Il y a un rôle nommé "HelpDesk Lvl1-2"
Ce rôle a:
- Le profil "HelpDesk Lv1" sur l'entité E1
- Le profil "HelpDesk Lv2" sur l'entité E2.
- Les groupes A, B, C, D, ...

Je crée un utilisateur avec ce rôle et il prend les profils et les groupes correspondants.


Create wiki

ylagva 9 years ago updated 9 years ago 2

If a wiki was available I could update procedures because on the website many procedure are obsoletes.


Major priority on actions - Business rules

Loïc FONTAINE 9 years ago 0

When we add a business rule, on Actions we can assign "Very high", 'high'... priority but we cannot assign the "Major" priority


Software Usage metering statistics...

Eduardo Scharpf 9 years ago updated by glpi 7 years ago 3
This is something very hard to find and it is very useful.

Integration of plugin Web applications

tyrone wyatt 9 years ago updated 9 years ago 2

Most organization use some form of Web application such as OWA, WordPress, Joomla or GLPI.

The Web applications plugin allows tickets to be associated with the web application.

The last few releases for the Web applications plugin fail to support association of ticket which is the most required feature of the plugin.

Integrating the Web applications plugin would allow myself and others to upgrade to the current version of GLPI rather than being held back.


"Significant events" for objects (eg. for computer: OS install, hardware upgrade, etc.)

CDuv 9 years ago 0

I'm suggesting the fact that GLPI could keep track of the significant events a Computer/Phone/NetworkEquipment/Printer/Room/etc suffered or gained of. The goal is to offer a clear view of what happened to it.


For a computer:

* Computer was acquired

* OS was installed

* Faulty RAM was replaced

* HDD was "upgraded" for a SSD

* OS was reinstalled

For a Network equipment:

* Switch was acquired

* Faulty fan was replaced

* Firmware was upgraded

I must admit the initial need that made me think about this feature is for computers. Because they are pieces of hardware that "lives" the most and are what users are the more sensible to (it's what they use everyday and it's shape determine their mood/user experience), I need a digest of bad and good things that were done to it, so that I can determine if the whole computer should be replaced or if a OS re-installation could improve the user experience.

Implementation could rely on tickets with a simple "Significant event?" checkbox.

The "x was acquired" event could use financial and administrative informations from the "Management" tab.

Theses events shall be listed on a dedicated "Significant event" tab ordered by date.

I'm not sure the need is strong enough for a core integration so it'll be a plugin.


Problem with rule to assign technician group

Javier Samaniego 9 years ago updated 8 years ago 1

I have a business rule that assign a technician group by category, for add and update. The group is added but i want change it.

Also the notification to the technician group is not sending in update case and I've set the notification for update ticket as "Group in charge of the ticket".

Thanks in advance.


Remote Agent Upgrade

davidngrc 2 weeks ago 0

on github project wazhu, they can upgrade the agent via dashboard.

It should be very easy to implement such function in GLPI, as manually upgrade agent is pain for system admin.


0. when there is a new agent, alert the admin in the dashboard, admin will click and download a copy to local server.

1, in GLPI dashboard, select one or multiple endpoint.

2. on the top left, ACTION button , add a "Upgrade Agent" option.

3. in the backend, mark the agent_id that need to do agent upgrade.

4. when agent check in every day, and found this need to upgrade flag on the server which associate with the current agent id, then auto download the related agent exe / pkg from server (some agent might not able to access internet due to IT policy, but able to access local GLPI server)

5. after the download, the agent will do a self upgrade.

6. after the upgrade, the agent will do a self inventory, so that the server knows the agent has been upgraded.

7. done.

Thank you.


"Answer" in predefined fields in ticket templates doesn't exist

Urtzi 3 weeks ago updated by iPaulis 1 week ago 1


I would like you to add the option to set a template "answer" in the predefined fields, as this option does not currently exist. What I want is that when you click the "Answer" button in the tickets, a preselected template with the response for the ticket automatically appears.

Tickets template > Predefined Field > Answer not exist

Image 496

There is a similar option now, but you have to select the answer template manually. It would be great, if glpi could do it automatically base on a predefined field.

Image 500


Status Change for Printers and Network Devices - Inventory via SNMP

Erique Souza 1 month ago 0

Today in the Administration > Inventory menu, we have 2 ways of interacting with equipment through the status that would be considered a life cycle of the equipment as a whole

The first of them, the clearest, is the default status, perfect, it is applied to practically all classes of devices that have direct inventory (Agent + SNMP): Computers, Printers and Network Device

And the second way in the same menu, at the end of the page, is called "Agent cleaning", using the "Change status" action
Today this second menu works only for computers, although the default status is applied to computers, printers and network devices

My suggestion would be to include these 2 types of device: Printer + Network Device, so that this menu could change its status, just like it already happens with computers

Or that this option was created right below this same menu, allowing you to select whether or not to use these other inventories as an option.

The logic behind this is that if the computer is necessary to have a certain level of control over its life cycle automatically, because printers and network devices that already come from SNMP inventories cannot also have the same support.