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Software Patches Searcher from providers web pages

jay3-3 4 years ago 0

I think that would be interesting to have a kind of software watcher that go to providers web pages where they deploy patches.

For example going to Microsoft to check for patches if I have a windows OS or Office installed.

I guess that you need a lot of plugins for all the providers (at least the important ones).

Do you think this is feasible? Do you know if something like this already exists?


Nouvelle fonctionnalité - Prise en main à distance

yoann sabbah 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 0


Pour la version 10, il serait super d'implémenter une fonction de prise en main à distance.

Bien cordialement, 




For the next major version, (10?), is it possible to add the feature : remote control ? 

 Best regards, 



Software Dictionary add version by regex

ECaricato 4 years ago 0

It would be nice if I could filter the version of a software with a regex as a criteria and then use that regex to be set in 'actions'.


Block task duration

richard jacques 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 2

Is it possible to block the duration of tasks to a maximum? If so, is this also possible depending on the categories?

Remote intervention> 1h max
On-site intervention> 2h max


Planning : Overlapping tasks

richard jacques 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 1


We have a problem with GLPI. We have implemented the scheduled task system for technicians, however when the same technician schedules the task for a day and a time when there is already another task with the same time on the same day, it just marks him a message of 'Warning:

"User ******* is busy for the selected time period

  • Task ticket for one: from 02-17-2021 10:30 am to 02-17-2021 11:00 am
    New Agent Form
  • External event: from 02-17-2021 10:00 to 02-17-2021 12:00
    busy "

We want this to block the user and not save the task.

Looking forward to your feedback,

Thank you very much.



Add "Invoice number" field to "Search in the financial information" report

Eduardo de Oliveira 4 years ago 0

It's not possible to do a global search into  "Invoice number" field from Asset's financial information through  "Search in the financial information" report. It would be a must-have feature because on Brazil the suppliers uses this field to track debits payment (e.g. if you forget to pay a parceled out debit, they will send only the "Invoice number" field so through it you'll have to track it down to know what asset that debit is related). 

Actually it's necessary to do a individual search into "Assets" > "Global" to be able to search "Invoice number" field and if it's not found you need to do an individual search into every element from "Management" tab to search "Invoice number" field.


Block task duration

richard jacques 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 1
Is it possible to block the duration of tasks to a maximum? If so, is this also possible depending on the categories?

Remote intervention> 1h max
On-site intervention> 2h max


Add Supplier mass action to change Active Status

Francois Lariviere 4 years ago 0


Normally if I go to the assets or the tickets and even users page and select many of them, I have the option to do a Mass Action and update the "Status" of all the selected items and can also search by different status.

For example, this is the menu presented to Mass Action change the status for selected users :

Image 385

Image 386

When selecting many Suppliers, this option is not present even thow there's an "Active" status present for each supplier. We cannot either search by status in the search filter.

Image 387

This would be appreciated if this option would be added to GLPI.




Monitor resolution (screen resolution)

assistance 4 years ago 0


I'm looking for a way to collect the resolution of all monitors of the computers. GLPI or any plug-in don't have this feature.

There is a project to implement this feature ?

I'm pretty sure, I'm not the only one who hope for this feature.


status ticket email

lau sanzc 4 years ago 0

Being able to change the status of a request already created by sending an e-mail.