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Add name of collector in history

Greg 5 years ago 0

Be interesting if ticket open from collector, the name of the collector is identify in ticket history.


Lista despegable no funciona

Duban Guzman 5 years ago updated by Emanuel Wasinger 4 years ago 1

Buenas tardes
Instale la ultima versión y las lista despegable no me funcionan cuando voy a direccionar un técnico, le agradecería si alguien sabe como solucionar esta novedad.


Parameter for Ability to Set/Show "Requester", "Watcher" and "Assigned To" Groups in the Simplified Interface

jlilio 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 0

When using Simplified Interface, it is very much needed to be able to set "groups" (not just individual person) as requester, watcher, and if it will work, for tech "assigned to" as well.

You see, if the ticket template is used, it will only allow for the standard interface to be changed, not the simplified interface. In that case, "Setup > Dropdowns > Ticket Category > Visible in the simplified interface" will have NO sense at all. This parameter is used to really simplify the presentation of ticket categories to ordinary users who only need to raise a ticket and not present them with so many categories that are only usable for the service desk personnel.

I have replied in one of the forums posts too. If you will notice there are so many "views" for the ticket shown on screenshot below. Which means, being able to set the groups (I would assume -- based on reasonable logic, requester, watcher and assigned to groups) is also important for many others.

Hoping for devs to have a closer look for implementation. Many thanks in advance.

Image 343



Possibility to select which supplier contact the call will be directed to.

Oscar Frasson 5 years ago 0
When we direct a call to a supplier we are restricted to the email address that is 
registered for him, and as there is the possibility of several contacts registered 
for the same supplier, then we could select which contact to send the call to.

So the process would be as follows:

1. Assign the ticket to the supplier;
2. The system shows in the list all the contacts registered for the supplier;
3. We select the desired contact;
4. We confirm the assignment and the system sends the appropriate messages.


Can not receive DeviceHardDrive "id" parameter through the API

I'm trying to get DeviceHardDrive ID through the API, but method listSearchOptions doesn't give it like for other items (usually field "2"), so I can't add correct deviceharddrives_id for new Item_DeviceHardDrive instance. Is it bug or feature?


Payment for Feature

asdf 5 years ago 0


a List with the development costs for certain futures would be great. If enough people spent money you will develop this feature within a promised time schedule.



addition of Half Days in calender close times

Zinhle 5 years ago 0

Good Day

may i please suggest the addition of half day as part of the closing days.

in GLPI the close times can be linked to the calender such that these are excluded in the overall reporting of a ticket life time.

suggestion: Add a time start and end of all close times. this will enable the addition of a halfday where the closing time is between 12:00 pm to say 5:00 pm. please this would assist a lot. in my work we have half days every month. the SLA's keep going even though work hours are off the rest of the day.


Configurar correos que notifiquen si hay cambios hardware en clientes

AinerR 5 years ago 0

Tengo GLPI 9.3.3, y tengo conectada algunas PCs

(ubuntu) con el plugins fusioninventory-9.3+1.4 y los cambios de

hardware que se hacen el los clientes se reportan en el servidor GLPI

perfectamente. Lo que no he logrado es que el servidor GLPI me notifique

por correo electrónico cuando ocurre un cambio de hardware en algún

cliente, necesito tener la opción para que me notifique de manera automática cuando ocurre un cambio.



Possibility of entering costs in the tasks of the tickets.

Rodrigo Cunha 5 years ago 0

I would like to know if there is a possibility of creating a field for typing the cost in the task, following the same principle as the cost tab of the ticket.


Notification Group - Ticket Service Satisfaction

Gean Carlos 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 1

Gente, bom dia!

Você pode me ajudar com uma pergunta? Existe uma maneira de criar um grupo para que, toda vez que uma satisfação de um serviço for atendida, ou o supervisor do serviço técnico receber um email com as informações da nota que foi dada para o serviço prestado?

Gostaria de criar o grupo e incluí-lo nesta tela abaixo, sua maneira de configurar -> notificações -> notificações -> Resposta de satisfação do ticket

Image 264

A idéia é obter as informações do "responsável pelo técnico", a partir do campo destacado abaixo.

Image 266