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Dark\light mode on main-screen

repentandliveholy 1 year ago 0

Hello, dear GLPI-comminity! I wonder, is it possible to make a dark-mode right on the menu up-right, or somewhere else on main screen to easily change it in the evening? Thanks!


Project percentage 100% with finished state

Maxwell1924 1 year ago updated 1 year ago 0

it would be great if in project tasks and projects when you assign the status Closed and this is indicated as Finished State, that percentage of the respective task goes to 100%.


Multiple selection of assets in dropdown from ticket creation

Maxwell1924 1 year ago 0

We would need a function with which one can select and add several assets at once in the ticket creation. The best thing would be to be able to select several assets in the asset view via mass editing and to create a ticket with the selected ones right away.


Add Remote Types to Remotemanagement

Maxwell1924 1 year ago updated by Martin Bhuong 1 year ago 2

Is it possible to create additional remote types in GLPI?

The programs included in GLPI such as TeamViewer, LiteManager, Anydesk, etc. are unfortunately too few for us in the company, and we would like to have the option to add more.



Merge followup

Max_it 2 years ago 0

When merging tickets, I think it could be useful to have a check box that, if flagged, could stop the sending of an email to all actors in the new merged ticket.


Image 434


Gestion des projets dans GLPI

Ahmednews 2 years ago 0

ca serait bien de faire un pont ou une liaison entre les tickets issus des tâches des projets pour que à chaque fois que le ticket soit cloturé que le pourcentage de la tâche correspondante passe à 100%


More fields on item in a task

barte91 2 years ago updated by Loiseau2nuit 2 years ago 1

Hi all,

I think can be usefull add some fields when I see the item under task (glpi/front/ticket.form.php?id=xxx) on this view; could be usefull that user can customize this view with filed he needs (like model etc)

Could be useful also add much criteria to search the exact item to add

Image 420

Kind Regards



Additional functions in the Asset Cartridges

Alexander 2 years ago updated by kwarmus 2 months ago 1

Please consider moving the cartridges to the location of the warehouse location. Deleting from one object and adding to another object is very difficult.

Do the move action:

Image 418

Image 419

Also, the history of adding and removing cartridges is not recorded in the history. An unscrupulous administrator can delete it and not track it in any way. (there is a possibility that he will be able to take the cartridges for personal purposes).
If it is possible to implement the process of notifying the Super-Admin about the action of technical personnel over cartridges.


Create a business rule that can migrate tickets between entities, without using the transfer option.

1802932 3 years ago 0

In shared service desk structures, it is necessary, depending on the context, in which case I include mine, the issue of departments sending tickets to each other, however, the use of the group could solve this, but it makes it impossible to manage the others elements such as contracts, assets, budgets and others, in which case the entity becomes vital. Therefore, having a simpler option for the non-IT attendant becomes necessary for ticket transfer. The current transfer focuses a lot on a technical part, but GLPI is evolving beyond the IT area, so other features seem to be needed. Obviously this is an opinion, which aims to join the group and build a collective idea.



GLPI - Ticket Template "Hidden Fields" need more added fields

rcastillo 3 years ago 0

Go to Assistance > Tickets > Template [Above Screen]

- Click on Ticket Template and modify
- Hidden Fields - I can hide some fields, but why I can't hide "Category"?? hmm...

The list of fields available to hide is retrieved with a function that has a "withtypeandcategory" option that is set to false in the context of hidden fields.
It is not clear why it is false or why type and category are linked like this. However, it has been like this for over 11 years.
I don't know how much it would affect to allow hiding both of these fields without some extensive testing.

Thank you