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Inventory - SIM cards - make the Line number active (clickable)

petertuharsky 7 месяцев назад 0


it would be very useful to make Line clickable in the main list of Inventory - SIM Cards.

Rationale: So far, it is possible in SIM card context to attach some Line (telephone number).

Then, when we later search for some SIM card by its number (Inventory - SIM cards), one of the columns is the Line. This is very useful, but we need to make one step further - to identify information about that Line.

Thus, the numbers in the Line column should be clickable and lead to the very record about the Line.


Criterion "Public Contact Address"

Seb49000 7 месяцев назад обновлен 7 месяцев назад 0

Hello everybody,

I want to use the location rules but I cannot use the "Public contact address" field as a criterion.

Given that this is the most reliable address (problem between the IP addresses of different network cards and docking stations), would it be possible to add this functionality to the product please?

Thank you


Dictionary Rules using 'Name'

Erique Souza 8 месяцев назад 0

It would be great if several Dictionary rules could use the equipment's "Name" field to validate some resources, for example:

- Model Dictionary (Today it is only possible to look at Manufacturer and Model)

- Type Dictionaries (Today it is only possible to look at Type)

This would be of great help for large IT parks where we need to manage many devices that enter the inventory daily, and today these dictionary resources are little explored to their maximum capacity precisely because of the lack of possibilities for creating rules, the "name" as a source research to apply these rules would be of great help



Acte Justice Judicaire Tribunale Gendarmy Royale Synonyme Musulmane Arabes Egale Christians Gaulois

RIADI SAMIR 8 месяцев назад 0

Plaquette Moteur Electronics Gex Dynamic Americaine

Carte Image Electronics TV 2D Pandoramix Dynamic Americaine

Carte Graphique Pornomedia Dynamic Americaine

Carte Mere Arcadia Dynamic Americaine

Carte Memoire Nintendo Dynamic Americaine


Habilitar notificación individual por usuario

Charlestron24 8 месяцев назад 0

Es posible en alguna parte de GLPI configurar a que cada usuario creado, dentro de su perfil pueda habilitar las notificaciones que desea que le llegue? ejemplo activar en el mismo perfil solo notificaciones a su correo de cuando crea, cierra un ticket;


global Kanban filter by source

jmthia 8 месяцев назад 0


We manage our project tasks by creating a ticket for the task. To make time account simple we use the source of the ticket to tag the ticket with project. This make sense as the source indicates the origin of the ticket (phone, email, Helpdesk, etc.).

Therefore, it would nice to filter the global kanban by source.

Best regards,

Jean Marie


Improve computer components table formatting

petertuharsky 9 месяцев назад 0

In Inventory - Computers, I open a computer and open Components tab.

The components are displayed by their cathegories (pocessor, memory, etc), but the page is very chaotic to read and get oriented in. Some formatting decisions even make it worse - e.q., the head of each component's table has its content aligned to center, but the body (the listing of actual components of the cathegory, e.q. memory modules) is aligned to the left. The components go uninterrupted one after another. Etc.

I suggest to consider slight changes:

1, align the head and body equally (to the left)

2, add spacing between each component cathegory table

3, add framing to the each table body and columns

4, make the first cell of header (Firmware, Processor, Memory, Hard dis etc) more exclamated, e.q. by using bigger font

...and maybe some more

Rack management item width more flexible

GuidoLondon 9 месяцев назад обновлен 5 месяцев назад 1

The width being either half or full is a little bit too static for our needs. We meanwhile deal with a lot of small form factor computers that live in a rack. This can be up to twelve on one rack shelf but sometimes six. So this being more flexible would be really helpful.

Image 487

Image 486


ticket list row color by category

stephan althaus 9 месяцев назад 0


We have an enhancement, where we can define a color by category.

This color is used in the ticket liste for the row background.

This work was done for Version 10.0.14.

See PR Ticket_List_Color_by_Category #16948



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