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Help on statistics resolved tasks that each technician

MIRIAM 8 лет назад обновлен yves tesniere 8 лет назад 1

Hi ! Can you help me please! I have problems with GLPI. I can´t see statistics about task solved the technical


Numérotation des prises réseau

Sulian 8 лет назад обновлен anonymous 8 лет назад 2

Si on souhaite ajouter des prises réseau de 1 à 10 avec un modèle B1.Axx, on va avoir :

  • B1.A1
  • ...
  • B1.A10

Est-ce qu'il ne serait pas mieux d'avoir B1.A01 comme pour les prises réseau d'un switch ?

Plus généralement, serait-il possible d'utiliser un champ avec une expression regex pour numéroter plus facilement des prises ?


Software license type as tree hierarchy

Walid Nouh 8 лет назад обновлен glpi 8 лет назад 2

Ability to have a hierarchical view for software license type


​email notification

Jean-Michel WILLI 8 лет назад обновлен glpi 8 лет назад 3

it would be nice to set different email notification for various entities.

Add "location" when creating a license

davidfritti 8 лет назад обновлен glpi 8 лет назад 4


Suppose you manage licenses around the world on a same software.

I'm not able to split among different site. Also putting the location in the name helps, I'd like the location to filter my licenses.


Improving Project Management

Henrique Ferraz 8 лет назад обновлен Walid Nouh 8 лет назад 1

I see the importance of implementing improvements in project management


creation plugin accounts payable and accounts receivable

Henrique Ferraz 8 лет назад обновлен glpi 8 лет назад 1

seria interessante existir um plugin voltado para o controle financeiro


Adding users to a subsidiary.

Rostislav Udaltsov 8 лет назад 0

Good afternoon. I use glpi as the helpdesk system, it is the main organization that has a subsidiary. The basic organization users are added LDAP means, how all these people are added to the subsidiary. The manual is not a solution. GLPI 0.90.3 Thanks


Visitor Registration in secure areas

Hugo Teixeira 9 лет назад 0

We are doin'g the Visitor Registration to the Secure Areas in paper, there is a way to make those registration in GLPI ?
We need to register the secure areas and register visitors entry to the areas, date, motive, people.

If a room that is a secure area is a asset. Therefore it was important that we can register the visitor's ( support all the assets within the room )


Link Ticket Category to task Category

Hugo Teixeira 9 лет назад обновлен Jérôme STIVAL 8 лет назад 4

I'm talking of the Ticket task on processing that aren't linked and they are only used in the Ticket task.
It's only to put a new field in the database of the Ticket task category with the id of the ticket category, and when creating a new Ticket task we filter the combo.

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