Welcome to GLPi feature request service.
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If not, please describe it


Integrated pool (Self Service main page)

Christian Bernard 9 years ago updated 9 years ago 1
Set a monthly pool for user suggestion on the main page

What feature do you want us to improve

1- Self service password reset
2- Be able to change our background
3- ...


Text outside in spanish menu

Javier Samaniego 9 years ago updated by glpi 7 years ago 4

In the self-service screen the text is outside of the box in the menu, the text says: "Preguntas Frecuentes"

Image 30


Add entity detail in global search

Christian Bernard 9 years ago 0
Allow global search to search through Entity addresses, city, ...

Edition alerte plugin news

Riesu 9 years ago updated by glpi 9 years ago 1
GLPI 0.85 + plugin news 0.90-1.0.
Lorsqu'on édite une alerte, la date de celle-ci change de format,il faut donc la renseigner de nouveau.
Elle passe au format suivant : 15--2-01-1 que ce soit pour le début ou la fin de l'alerte.

Ticket Sub Category

Jimesh Makawana 9 years ago updated by CDuv 8 years ago 1


There should be dependent subcategory for tickets.

Like first category is like request,incident,problem,task

if you select incident than second sub category is Hardware, Software, Network, Server,

If you select hardware than third one is Desktop, Laptop, Workstation, Printer, Scanner


new section : call

Claudiu Emanoel 8 years ago updated by CDuv 8 years ago 1

in the history window you can press the call button

you can enter a text with what has been said


Helpdesk: Paste and copy screenshot from clipboard

Alex W 9 years ago updated by Tomolimo 9 years ago 3
If a user who create or modify a ticket, should have the possibility to add a screenshot with paste and copy from the clipboard.

Projects in GLPI more ISO 21500 compliance

Juan Fernando Villa Hernández 8 years ago updated by Walid Nouh 8 years ago 1

Today GLPI it's ISO 20000 and ITIL compliance. I think that this situation i'ts extensible to ISO 21500 in the project component (No a plugin any more)


Linked tickets in the list

ylagva 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 2

If tickets are linked, display them in the list of ticket with the link ticket number or add a column with link ticket.