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Public information

Juan Fernando Villa Hernández 9 years ago updated by Walid Nouh 8 years ago 1

Make public the incident or requirement selected and choose the posibility to make public or not the elements of the incident or requirement


Sign up in the GLPI with Linkedin

Enable Sign up in the GLPI with Linkedin, it's more fast and easy


Force start in FusionInventory

Javier Samaniego 9 years ago updated by glpi 9 years ago 4

I'm testing FusionInventory 0.90, how can i force start?


GLPI + Mandrillapp in SMTP

Juan Fernando Villa Hernández 9 years ago updated by anonymous 9 years ago 2

Enable the option to send the emails by Mandrill app https://mandrillapp.com/


GLPI + Linkedin

Juan Fernando Villa Hernández 9 years ago updated by anonymous 9 years ago 4

Fill the information on every filed in the profile of the user is very boooored. So will be very cool if glpi have a option for fill this fields with Linkedin information.


Manual para GLPI

Juan Fernando Villa Hernández 9 years ago updated by anonymous 9 years ago 2

Si consigo 5 personas que me apoyen con tiempo y conocimiento, me pondre a realizar un manual lo más completo posible sobre la adecuación del entorno, instalación, configuración, parametrización, implementación y ajustes del GLPI completamente en Español y liberado bajo Licencia Creative Commons y hecho desde Cero.

Quien se apunta? A quien le interesa? Quien apoya esta iniciativa?

No que siempre dicen que el GLPI no tiene buenos manuales conocidos? es hora mis amigos de cambiar esta situación! escucho propuestas!


Can't "transfer and merge" a category from a root entity to a child entity

jgandit 9 years ago updated by Megachip 5 years ago 1

It would be great if we could "transfer and merge" a category from a root entity to a child entity. At the moment, we can only do it from a child entity to a root entity. Thx


rewrite engine -mail receiver works extremely well

Михаил Кусмарцев 9 years ago updated by glpi 9 years ago 3

rewrite engine -mail receiver works extremely well


contract : associate actors ( technicians, groups, observers) for notifications, searches,....

yves tesniere 9 years ago updated by glpi 9 years ago 2

As for assets, i think it could be usefull to associate actors ( technicians in charge of contract, group in charge) and add these actors to notifications recipients list.

actually, contract notifications can be send to profile or group, whatever the contract.


Gestion des composants

Nicolas Clavel 9 years ago updated by glpi 7 years ago 2

Serait il possible de permettre la configuration des types de composants pouvant être liés sur la fiche d'un éléments?

Par exemple, permettre de lier un composants de types "Autres composants" à une imprimante.
