Please check if the feature has not already been requested.
If not, please describe it
Ticket validation - Respond via e-mail
I think it might be convenient to validate a request directly in the email using an accept / reject button. Some validators are not very comfortable with the GLPI interface for the validation part.
Time format not configurable, only 24-hours
Not able to change time format, for example to 12 hours AP/PM.
GLPI support a lot of languages, but it isn't very flexible in setup language formats, for example change 12/24 hours format.
It would be fine to have a option to change time format at least 12/24 hours. Better would be add option to also use custom time format for displayed time.
For example Wordpress use 4 option and one custom:
please add pgp support
Hello, it would be very nice if you add pgp/gpg support to sign/crypt/encrypt mails like other tools (eg otrs). Nowadays you don't know if that mail from our (IT)-Support or from somewhere else, so when it signed you know that. The same with encryption, when you write a ticket it is sometimes very helpfull to encrypt the mail (eg for password or tokens).
best regards
Plugins - Check for a newer version
Create 'Check for a newer version' button on Plugins page.
Create 'checkpluginupdate' automatic action.
Use the Plugins Catalog website for list of plugin versions.
Improve search criterion with drag and drop
When adding a search criterion with a global search criterion they are added in order.
Unfortunately this means all search criterion are together and all global search are together.
A modern drag and drop of search criterion would fix this issue.
Diff implementation to tickets etc
At the same time I'm using Redmine and GLPI to manage IT projects.
One of the problem with GLPI which is nicely solved in Redmine is
showing the difference after updating the ticket or whatever in GLPI is
to change. Redmine tells me exactly the 'diff' between old and new
version of the ticket, change etc. In GLPI the only thing I know is that
something has changed, but had no idea what was it. So it would be nice to see a diff (link to page with diff?), which could show the exact last change (what was changed, who made it and when - just like wiki pages).
I know
there is History, but it does not show sufficient information.
Enhanced operations regarding assistance objects relationship
Good morning,
Nowadays with GLPI v9.2.x it's possible to make the following relations between the different assistance objects (most of them are possible in GLPI v9.1.x, but not all of them).
GLPI v9.2 Assistance Objects Relationship
These relationships are possible, yes, but make them are a tedious task in many cases.
Example #1:
The user Alice calls with a problem in Computer#1. The technician Bob opens a new Ticket#1 and link it with Computer#1. Afterwards, other users call with the same problem in Computer#2, Computer#3, Computer#4,... and Computer#20. Bob must realize the same operation (link Ticket#1 with Computer#n) twenty times.
Example #2:
Alice, from our branch office in Paris request us twenty computers (Computer#10, Computer#11,...,Computer#29) located in our central warehouse. Alice didn't open a ticket for that so Bob creates a new Ticket#1 (service request) to track the shipment. In the best case Bob must realize the same operation (link Ticket#2 with Computer#1n) nineteen times.
Other times the relationship can only be established from one end.
Example #3:
Bob needs to link the Computer#1 to the Ticket#1, which already exists. He must remember that is only possible to do from the Tickets Management; from Assets Management it is only possible to create new tickets linked with an asset but not to link an asset with an already ticket.
As I say, to make the relationships is possible, of course, but when the number of element to connect is elevated the process becomes into a tedious thing. This is why I suggest two improvements.
Suggestion #1 > Take a selection of an object A query as the set of elements to link to a previously created B object.
Following with Example #2, it would be possible to reduce the number of operations to four or five in this way.
1. In 'Home > Assets > Computers' make the query "'Characteristics - Name' contains '^Computer#1' Or 'Characteristics - Name' contains '^Computer#2'".
2. Select all computers from the query result.
3. Choose the massive action "Associate with ticket...".
4. Choose the ticket with which to associate the computers; Ticket#2.
5. Confirm action.
Following the previous picture, It should be created the following new massive actions.
- Massive Actions for Assets
- Associate with Ticket...
- Associate with Problem...
- Associate with Change...
- Associate with Problem...
- Associate with Knowledge Item...
- Massive Actions for Tickets
- Associate with Problem...
- Associate with Change...
- Associate with Task # of Project...
- Associate with Knowledge Item...
- Massive Actions for Problems
- Associate with Change...
- Associate with Knowledge Item...
- Massive Actions for Changes
- Associate with Project...
- Associate with Knowledge Item...
- Massive Actions for Projects
- Associate with Knowledge Item...
Suggestion #2 > Make bottom-up relationships
Following with Example #3, it would be possible associate Computer#1 with Ticket#1 from Computer#1; Bob will never need to think before where to go to do the association. From 'Home > Assets > Computers > Computer#1 > Tasks Tab' Bob could create a new ticket associate with Computer#1 or associate Computer#1 to a previously existing ticket.
Following the previous picture, It should be created the following new actions.
- Assets
- 'Tickets' tab
- Associate with Ticket...
- 'Problems' tab
- Associate with Problem...
- 'Changes' tab
- Associate with Change...
- 'Problems' tab <-----------------------------(***This tab is missing***)
- Associate with Problem...
- 'Knowledge base' tab
- Associate with Knowledge Item...
- 'Tickets' tab
- Tickets
- 'Problems' tab
- Associate with Problem...
- 'Changes' tab
- Associate with Change...
- 'Project tasks'
- Associate with Task # of Project...
- 'Knowledge base' tab
- Associate with Knowledge Item...
- 'Problems' tab
- Problems
- 'Changes' tab
- Associate with Change...
- 'Knowledge base' tab
- Associate with Knowledge Item...
- 'Changes' tab
- Changes
- 'Projects' tab
- Associate with Project...
- 'Knowledge base' tab
- Associate with Knowledge Item...
- 'Projects' tab
- Projects
- 'Knowledge base' tab
- Associate with Knowledge Item...
- 'Knowledge base' tab
That is all. Thanks in advance and best regards,
solution mask add time (create a task in done state)
If i get a small ticket from user over web interface which i can solve directly. I have to create a task with state done for time recording. It would be great to add this time 3 min / 5min / 7min directly in solution mask.
Example Solution: Off / On the printer solves this problem... but i have the time for read the ticket. I don't want to waste time on time recording task too.
Manage containers
Separate virtual machines and containers.
Should be considered as containers, as retrieved by FusionInventory agent :
- Docker
- Solaris Zones (
- OpenVZ & Virtuozzo (
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