Please check if the feature has not already been requested.
If not, please describe it
Timezone Plugin integration
Plain simple. Having users in different timezones is not easy without this plugin.
Let's add it to the core.
By the way thanks Tomolino.
Remove noAUTO=1 URL parameter from email notifications
The noAUTO=1 URL parameter in email notifications is an obstructive feature.
Users inform us that after clicking on the GLPI email notification link, GLPI will prompt them for a username/password when they are either already signed into GLPI or GLPI uses SSO (Single Sign On).
Can we have the noAUTO=1 URL parameter from email notifications either removed, an option to disable this feature or create a different notification template tag.
Highlight ticket changes in email notification
Assuming a reader easily remembers the history of a ticket, they may quickly find what changed if the chanes are highlighted (using italic, bold or a color, or something else)
Using the graphic code (CAPTCHA) on the login page
The idea is to make possible the activation of a captcha on the login page of GLPI.
Use an existing library (example, google recaptcha with setting the SiteKey in glpi configuration) or internal development glpi.
History of sent mails
It was important that the ticket history, or in a new tab (always associated with the ticket ) , had the emails that were sent to each of the intervening (on add Followup, Task and others).
Hello good day
Today in GLPI the Consumables are delivered (Dar) to Users and in my case and I believe for others too, use the Consumable Register for Mouse, Keyboards and sources that is considered Consumable.
Well, it would be possible that these Consumables could connect to the computer? Why that! The user is rotating and it does not take one home keyboard, and this keyboard, mouse, etc. belongs to the computer that it was connected.
Or Consumable is not for that purpose?
Thank you and congratulations for the project.
Forgive for this English so bad.
Possibility to sort tickets by fields on "Tickets" tab
It will be nice to have possibility to sort tickets by fields on "Tickets" tab for assets elements or users. See attachment :
Auto - KB Proposal related to the category and type of ticket
To exploit the knowledge base at best when processing a ticket, depending on its type and category , it will be a good KB list is proposed to the technician to solve the problem without going to perform research itself in the knowledge base.
If any of KB self- proposed resolution allows the ticket, that acquires a point scoring KB making it more relevant. This KB will be offered in the first position the next time a ticket of the same qualification will be open.
This feature will :
-> To save time technicians -> From more easily create KB if none is proposed in qualifying ticket -> Prioritize the most important KB
Remind the user to answer a satisfaction survey
When the user approves the solution of the ticket, the message appears in the lower field must tell the user "Now click this link and answer the ticket satisfaction survey ."
Customer support service by UserEcho