Vos commentaires

Hi Croûton,

I found my way just by not Closing tickets and keep them Resolved. This way I can add data however I please.

Hope it might help !

I like it, this is a very good idea, we could check boxes to choose which data to wipe.

but this option must be set only for high power users (like user "glpi")


no it is a parameters in the options but I can't remember where


Can you Please speak in english in order for non French speaking people to understand your idea ?


Hace you tried updating ? GLPI has 3 more updates since yours regarding the mail collector.


Are you talking about tickets ?

If so and if you are willing to, you can also use a custom field to add information to the ticket whether it is pending for a user or a provider.


I am looking for this kind of function - did you manage to do it ?

will this work for offline GLPIs ?


Can you please explain better, I don't know what you mean ?


Hi Eric, thanks for the answer.

Your modification is interesting, can you please share it anywhere ?