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Add Delete option to task widget

williamsj91 hace 1 año 0

Please add a delete option to the task widget to save clicks when deleting tasks on a used template. 

Image 440


targets for saved search

A S hace 1 año actualizado hace 1 año 0

Hi everyone,

I would like to know if GLPI have the ability to choose who can use each saved search. Actually we can't create a saved search for a group for example.

Thank in advance





Ao se visualizar um filtro de chamados no GLPI o campo descrição só atualiza a data do andamento, mas seria importante atualizar também o que foi postado, para que se possa ter uma visualização rápida sem ter que abrir o chamado. Isso facilitaria muito a vida de quem tem que monitorar vários chamados.


Image 439

Isaias Class

21 98766 3092


Templates for dates in SLA/OLA

Denn hace 1 año 0


In many systems when we choise dates for some actions there are ready templates for choice like "Today" (till end of current day), "Tomorrow" (end of the next day)

In GLPI we set date/time using calendar with midday time set. It will be great to have templates like "Today" or "Tomorrow" when we open GLPI calendar widget


Display tables with the same height rows (1 line, trimmed end if necessary)

romVsen hace 1 año 0

Items with multiline values in GLPI interface (10.0.3) are displayed in rows with different heights. More convenient to display tables with the same height rows (1 line, trimmed end if necessary). Additionally, display whole value on mouse pointing over such item.

Please, consider to implement it.


List of favorite reports (something like saved filters)

romVsen hace 1 año 0

GLPI (10.0.3) from the box provides awkward way to choose reports from drop-down lists (with many items and no ability to filter). I'd like to create list of favorite reports (something like saved filters). Please, consider that improvement.


Package Deploy - In audit compare against lower or higher version of the exe file (or add software criteria to dynamic groups)

Kintaro hace 1 año 0

Very often you have to check if an application is already installed and at the same time if the version of that application is lower than the one is going to be deployed.

If audit can compare against version of the .exe file we can install only if the version already installed is lower then a specific version.

Another solution could be add criteria in dinamyc groups based on specific software installed.


Hide Organisation in list of tickets/problems/changes

Denn hace 1 año 0


Could you please review an opportunity to hide the name of the organization in lists of tickets, changes, problems. In our case, the organization can be identified by the name of the customer. There are certainly many such cases.

Сurrently this field cannot be hidden, unlike other


profile entiies filter

Alex hace 1 año 0

It would be great to be able to filter profiles by entity so that a local administrator of an entity, when creating a user, would only have access to profiles enabled for that entity.



Attached files in Projects

Denn hace 1 año 0


It seems at Projects there is no way to add attached files to a Project or to a Project Task?

It would be great to have this functionality