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Add a category called Storage

krishna ms 5 лет назад 0

We would need a new category called Storage under Assets. It would be easy to maintain our NAS like Synology and NetApp.

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Gestion des Cartes SIM et association aux téléphones

Simon 6 лет назад обновлен glpi 6 лет назад 1


J'ai vu différent post concernant la gestion des cartes SIM mais je trouve ça vraiment complexe.

Pour ne pas simplement créer toutes les entrées liées aux cartes SIM dans Configuration/Composants/Carte SIM

Il n'y aurait qu'à créer une nouvelle entrée via le bouton +, et de renseigner directement code PIN1, PIN2, PUK1, PUK2, N° téléphone etc. Puis de l'associer au téléphone souhaité. 

Actuellement, je ne comprend pas pourquoi il faut d'abord créer un template, pour ensuite ajouter des cartes SIM dans Éléments ?

De plus je ne vois pas non plus l'utilité de créer une "ligne" pour chaque SIM étant donné qu'un N° est directement lié à une carte SIM. 

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picture for hardware

Yannick 7 лет назад обновлен Curtis Conard 2 года назад 5


It would be useful to add a picture associated with model and display it in computers / network / device / phones

A new setup / pictures / 

Add a new picture

Select model associated

Image 106


Beta release for minor builds

tyrone wyatt 8 лет назад обновлен glpi 7 лет назад 5

New major builds have multiple release candidates and beta releases in a attempt to minimise bugs before the stable build is released.

Minor builds on the other hand don't have beta releases and often introduce new bugs.

Can you release a beta release of minor builds a few weeks before the stable build is released?

Myself and other non developers in the GLPI community would be happy to setup a staging site to test compatibility and look for new bugs.


GLPI alerts of not resolved tickets

klodnitsky 9 лет назад 0

Notification about not resolved tickets from some entity will sends not to some profile/group/etc., but to the person(technician’s), who are mentioned in ticket, like an assigned to, or to entity/group administrator. And only those tickets, which already due date expired.


A new status called Reopened tickets

shyam soundar 9 лет назад обновлен Nelly Mahu-Lasson 9 лет назад 7

It would be nice if we have a new ticket status called reopened for all reopen tickets


A a new state for assets : archived

Walid Nouh 9 лет назад обновлен CDuv 9 лет назад 1

Add the possibility to archive an item.

An archive is a new state, as it is for deleted items.

The simple way is to add a is_archived field, and filter the view in the asset's search engine.


Integrate ticket survey plugin into the core

philippe chauvin 9 лет назад обновлен 3 года назад 3
Many helpdesk tools on the market offer this plugin funcionalities.
It is very disadvantageous to move to GLPI 0.90 when this plugin is activitated in a previous version and not up to date.


Add/link ticket directly to Virtual Machine (guest) under Computer (host)

Pavel Kloud 9 лет назад обновлен Laurent Ducos 6 лет назад 10

Currently it is possible to add/link ticket only to computer (host) even though it's possible to list virtual machines (guests) underneath. It would be great to add/link tickets to those virtual machines (guests).

For example it could be valuable to know how many tickets/troubles are related to which particular virtual machine when looking for repeating problems, problematic VMs and similar.

Hosts could be mixed with Linux/Windows VMs and each of them could be managed be different person so assigning tickets just to host is not enough.

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Auto deleted unused document

Remi Collet 9 лет назад обновлен blippercop 2 года назад 4
Perhaps only for the ticket's document category, with an optional new option, delete (move in dustbin) unused document (not linked to any ticket anymore)

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