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OCSNG - Régler le problème de TRACE_DELETED sur le plugin

Neilerua 7 лет назад 0

Régler le problème de l'erreur TRACE_DELETED qui revient sans cesse sur le plugin d'OCS et qui reste encore aujourd'hui sans réponse


From Asset search bulk action, I would love to be able to open a ticket associated to all selected elements.

weathnr 7 лет назад 0

Being able to easily search for entities and then from Action button open a ticket against the selected items.  That would make adding compute or switch entities against a ticket very easy.


assign tickets automatically

Raja 7 лет назад обновлен yves tesniere 7 лет назад 1

How to assign tickets automatically to group when it is created


on login page loads the the error "The action you have requested is not allowed" what cloud be the problem?

BELLA 7 лет назад 0

Add new event notification on type "User" like Add User or assign to group

fabien gaillet 7 лет назад 0

New Configuration Item types : Business Service and IT Service

Greg 7 лет назад 0

Business Service definition:

Name / Owner / Availability target(%)/Description / Business Impact /

Link with : Hosts, IT Service

IT Service definition :

Name / Manager / Business Impact / Cost / Business Criticality / Description / Availability target(%)


Automatic ticket open when events in glpi

allanlopesprado 7 лет назад обновлен 7 лет назад 0

My suggestion is to insert options in business rules, to open automatic tickers, when internal events occur in glpi.

- Assets with offline status
- Modified asset
- Contract renewal
- Updating expired licenses

and any other option that we can insert with business rules

*Language: EN


Minha sugestão é inserir opções em regras de negocio, para abertura de tickets automático, quando ocorrer acontecimentos internos no glpi.

- Ativos com status offline
- Ativos modificado
- Renovação de contrato
- Atualização de licenças vencidas

e qualquer outra opção que podemos inserir com regras de negocio

*Idioma: PT-BR


Passbolt open source password manager integration

FabFara 7 лет назад 0

I'm not a robot captcha for anonymous ticket creation

tyrone wyatt 7 лет назад 0

Create "I'm not a robot" captcha for anonymous ticket creation via helpdesk.php.

This should prevent bots creating tickets.

Сервис поддержки клиентов работает на платформе UserEcho