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employee directory page

Yannick Labbé hace 9 años 0

GLPI is already connected to ldap, so it should be very useful to create a page for users permitting to search employee by department or group.

select by - entity (site) - Department (group) -

ID / first name / last name / mail / phone / mobile / title / location / category / picture


child budgets

Christian Bernard hace 9 años 0

Allow calculation of child budget in a ROOT budget for budget consolidation

ex: 1 site 5000$ licenses, 1 other 10000$, then MAIN or ROOT budget 15000$ inheritance


SQL licensing calculation

Christian Bernard hace 9 años 0

Find a way to calculate the SQL licensing properly by CAL, server and CORE factor

Currently, SQL is not properly identify in GLPI (Standard/Enterprise) and there is no way to calculate the CORE factor for SQL

Same thing for MS CIS licenses

I have to keep a Excel sheet on the side and combine with MS tools to generate a proper report


Report with Serial Number Duplicate

Gilberto Tuñon hace 9 años actualizado por Michał Panasiewicz hace 3 años 2

Add report to get item with duplicate serial number.


Work with the application

Александр Петров hace 9 años actualizado hace 9 años 1

Offer to "work with the application" to add a chronology of binding to other applications.


List all tasks in tickets assigned to user

Jorge Teixeira hace 9 años 0

one way to see the list of all tasks in tickets assigned to User...

export all tasks done in all tickets (closed or not).


bookmark buttons

DsBatista hace 9 años actualizado hace 9 años 2

Put the option "load a bookmark" back next to the option "save as a bookmark". It looks to me more obvious to keep them both together, as they refer to the same filter content.


bookmarks over default screen

DsBatista hace 9 años actualizado hace 9 años 2

When a bookmark is loaded, the default tickets' list doesn't show again, even if I navigate through other sections and menus. It would be easier if the default tickets' list appeared when the page is refreshed, or if there was a button to get that configuration, as now I have to set the options manually back, create a "default bookmark" or sign out to do that.


Session share

Javier Samaniego hace 9 años 0

Hi, i have a HA enviroment with two server in testing and i can't to make it work the session share with memcache.

My memcache.ini have this:

; Use memcache as a session handler

; Defines a comma separated of server urls to use for session storage

Everything works, but the session seems independent on each server.

Does anybody know?

Thanks in advance.


Suggest: Coordinates Geographic

Wilter Porto hace 9 años actualizado por Walid Nouh hace 9 años 1

I suggest that is created field to the geographic coordinates for entities in glpi because they are more accurate than the address for use in plugins. for example the dashboard uses the address to set up the so-called map. in my town there are streets with the wrong name on google maps and so I have to register the wrong address in order to assemble the map "correctly." with the coordinates it would.

sugiro que seja criado campo para as coordenadas geográficas para entidades no glpi, pois são mais precisas do que o endereço para uso em plugins. por exemplo o dashboard usa o endereço para montar o mapa de chamados. em minha cidade existem ruas com nome errado no google maps e com isso tenho que cadastrar o endereço errado para poder montar o mapa "corretamente". com as coordenadas isso acabaria.