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Link consumables usage to tickets

lfardin hace 3 años 0

It should be possible to link consumables to a ticket (not only to users), so a technician can inform when solving a ticket the ammount of  each consumable was needed to solve the issue.


Dashboard it doesn't display in another browser

Eduardo Spinola hace 3 años actualizado hace 3 años 1
Youtube video

Image 396

When I create a dashboard with a filter, it doesn't display in another browser, as if it were only saved for the browser locally. (sorry, the video doesn't show the screen of the other browser, follows the screamshot image)


Update Documentation of GLPI

i4development hace 4 años actualizado por Curtis Conard hace 4 años 1

It is really hard to learn how GLPI works. The business model is complicated, and all the documentation is english or french is deprecated 


TISAX compliance

MF99 hace 4 años 0

Adjust GLPI to TISAX certificate and ISO/IEC 27001 requirements.

GLPI is in 80% inline with TISAX requirements.

Will be super useful for all companies what have to implement TISAX and they already using GLPI.

Tthere is only few point missing in GLPI to be TISAX compliance, like:

E-learing platform

Risk assessments


vulnerability (CVE) list in computers and virtual machines

Piotr Bylicki hace 4 años 0

Hi GLPI devels
I think it will be nice to have in GLPI database an active lsit of vulnerabilities (CVEs)  for computers and virtual machines.
GLPI agent or Fusion agent could use debsecan or other system tools to detect vulnerabilities and raport them to GLPI Database.
Searching or making raports from computer assets for active (fixable) CVEs would be very nice


possibilité de laisser un avis sur les plugins

GPARS hace 4 años actualizado hace 4 años 2


Je pense que ce serait bien si les personnes peuvent laisser un avis sur les plugins. Cela permet de connaitre les retours des personnes qui l'ont déjà utilisés. Avantages: Inconvénients d'un plugin.


New actions Business rules for tickets

Eduardo Spinola hace 4 años 0

It would be interesting if the business rules for tickets have these actions or change textual fields such as description, title, or ticket followup.


Change the size of an image in email

bltsv hace 5 años actualizado por Noname hace 5 años 2

Is it possible to create a setting to control image sizes?

For now, max image size is 400x300, but it would be great if this size could be customized.

For example, in our organization, all departments except IT do not use the GLPI web interface, and all communication takes place by mail, when someone writes and attaches an image to us, it is so compressed that it is impossible to parse the image, and when we answer the employee and attach the image, the employee can not see the text in the picture.

En revisión


babsix hace 5 años actualizado por glpi hace 5 años 1

When I create a new change / problem ticket and assign it to me, there is not not visible on my home page.

Home page : http://localhost:8080/GLPI/front/central.php

To reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to 'Assistance'
  2. Click on 'Changes'
  3. Click on '+' sign
  4. Fill all the followings and assign it to you
  5. Click on 'Add'
  6. Go to 'Home'. The new change ticket is not visible.

There is no error in log files.


Can you display the change / problem tickets on Home page ?


Add the 'Location' field in changes

malamort hace 6 años actualizado por Curtis Conard hace 2 años 1


Today, it is not possible to define a location for a change

Therefore, it is not possible to list all changes for a location. Consequently, we go 2, 3 times to a single place or the users are surprised to see us coming to replace a PC tower without bringing a screen or whatever they are waiting for...

So, I recommend adding the field 'Location' in the changes. It seems to be logical and profitable for the majority


Merci de m'avoir lu et bonne journée.


GLPI 9.2