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Plantillas de Tickets con tareas - para tareas que procesos que siguen una serie de pasos
Como las tareas de Mantenimiento
Ejemplo. Respaldar Informacion, Respaldar PST, Ejecutar Limpieza al Equipo, Formatear Equipo, Instalacion de Software y Sistemas, Configuracion de Sistemas, Instalacion Equipo en sitio, entrega de claves de acceso de sistemas a usuario, entrega de documentacion y contrato de servicio al usuario.
Como pueden notar esto seria un incidente comun, es recurrente pero no sigue un patron de tiempo definido y por supuesto lo mas importante es que tiene un conjunto de tareas que deberan ser completadas para que avance el proceso.
las plantillas actuales no permiten crear tickets con tareas y si es posible hacerlo por otra via favor notificarmelo al correo gracias.
Restrict Access of Asset Tabs
Is it possible to restrict the access of on profile to special asset tabs? (Like only general and os)?
add total cost view in project list
In project list View it 'll be good for managers to see total cost.
Some cost are attibued to project tasks but it's impossible to view totaml project's costs in the main project list
How to add name escalation level to Automatic reminders of SLAs
I want change template email Automatic reminders of SLAs and add name escalation level . Curent tempalte only add name SLA.
Team member roles
Hello, it would be nice if Team member in Projects could have a role description (dropdown menu) for example , Project manager, Sponsor, board member or others (customizable list).
Quick software license assignment
To add another button in "Processing ticket" tab which would allow for quick software license assignment, might be based on relation of software with category.
Display deleted asset in red in ticket tab and home
In older versions of GLPI deleted assets were marked with red box in Ticket > Ticket tab but now only appears this way on Ticket > Items tab.
Ticket > Items
Ticket > Ticket
Also displaying this same red box on home screen would be useful.
Followup by user and edit followup time/date
Much like Tasks, followups by user field and editing of followups date/time is much needed.
By field to select a user that made the followup rather than the writer of the followup. As an example the requester emails, instant messages or directly tells you <technician/hotliner/admin> a followup. You add to ticket as followup but now the ticket says it was your followup, not the requester.
Edit followup to change date/time. This is required if you are adding followups that you perhaps forgot to add to the ticket but you may have made your coworkers aware of verbally. Editing the date/time of a followup allows it to be in the correct location of timeline.
Change Items from search
Currently each item has to be opened for editing. One way to edit items directly from the search (with a double-click) would be good. Thus, various changes such as the serial number can be done much more efficiently.
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