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Add the option Vote and Rate in the Knowledge Base entries

Add the option Vote and Rate in the Knowledge Base entries for democratized or select the better option


Give possibility to create ticket by email "on behalf of"

Tomolimo 9 years ago updated by CDuv 9 years ago 2

By default, when creating a ticket by email the writer and the requester of the ticket are equals to the email sender.

It is a good idea to implement a new feature to give users the possibility to create ticket 'on behalf of':

A user X sends an email 'on behalf of' user Y means the ticket writer will be user X, but the ticket requester will user Y.

To implement this feature, one may use a special pattern in the email body:

##From: LastName, Firstname

This feature is mainly used by service desk people when they often get emails from end-users, so instead of manually creating a ticket (doing copy/paste), then they just forward the email adding a ## in front of the "From: LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME" automatically added by the web client.

We may add the pattern in a new setting so that it can be adapted to local needs.

thank you



PS: I may add this to GLPI project as it has already been developed for us.


Display Project in tab Personal View ou My View

Thiago Passamani 9 years ago 0


On the tab "Personal View" or "My View" display projects where the user is added to the team and / or project manager.


Thiago Passamani


Management of equipment loans / Gestion des prêts de matériel

Nicolas Sautier 9 years ago updated by Jaime Martinez 4 years ago 4
Dans la fiche d'un ordinateur, l'ajout d'un onglet (Prêter) avec les champs à renseigner :
- Utilisateur
- Date de début du prêt
- Date de retour prévu
- Remarque sur le bien emprunté

qui entraînerai lors de la validation :
- la liaison de l'ordinateur à l'utilisateur
- changement de statu de l'ordinateur en (à définir dans les paramétrages)
- la génération d'un PDF reprenant les éléments renseignés (logo de l'entreprise et condition de prêt à définir dans les paramétrages)
- le PDF sera lié comme document de la fiche ordinateur

avec une procédure similaire lors de la restitution du bien.


In the profile of a computer, adding a tab ( To Lend) with fields to be filled :
- User
- Start date of loan
- Date of return
- Note on the borrowed property

who will train during validation :
- The connection of the computer to the user
- Change of status of the computer ( to be defined in the settings )
- Generating a PDF containing the elements filled ( company logo and loan condition to be defined in the settings )
- The PDF will be linked as computer plug document
with a similar procedure at the return of the property .

MAPI/OWA Compatibility

Ryan Bernier 9 years ago updated by Walid Nouh 9 years ago 1

My agency has left behind POP and IMAP protocols many years ago in favor of OWA and MAPI. Most contemporary (and unfortunately non-free) Service Desks do support native Exchange protocols. It would be amazing if these could be implemented in GLPI.


Dashboard plugin into the Core

Juan Fernando Villa Hernández 9 years ago updated by glpi 5 years ago 1

We use a reduce versión of the GUI for the final user. It´s posibble that dashboard plugin (https://forge.glpi-project.org/projects/dashboard/) come for default into the core for the final user?


Route Management Feature for GLPI 10

Eduardo Spinola 11 months ago 0


I am a user of GLPI and I would like to suggest a new feature for version 10: the management of service routes.

This feature would allow fleet managers to plan, optimize and monitor the routes of vehicles and drivers, taking into account factors such as the customer's address, time constraints, tolls, traffic conditions and necessary breaks.

The benefits of this feature would be:

  • Cost reduction: route optimization could reduce fuel consumption, vehicle wear and tear, and driver travel time.
  • Increased productivity and quality of service: managers could ensure that services were performed in a timely manner and to the expected quality.
  • Improved customer and driver satisfaction: customers would be satisfied with the faster and more efficient service, and drivers would be satisfied with the reduced travel time and increased safety of the routes.

The feature could be integrated with the ticket module, so that managers could assign tasks to drivers, track the status of services and generate performance reports. In addition, the feature could be compatible with navigation apps, such as Google Maps or Mapbox, to facilitate driver guidance on routes.

Here are some additional features that the feature could have:

  • The ability to relate multiple tickets to a route, in order to group services by proximity, priority or other criteria.
  • A route scheduling system, integrated with the GLPI scheduling system, so that managers could define the dates and times of the routes, as well as the time windows for each service.
  • The ability to approve routes, so that managers could validate the routes proposed by the system or make manual adjustments, if necessary.
  • The definition of technicians, vehicles, the number of seats in the vehicle and other resources needed for each route, in order to ensure the efficiency and safety of operations.

I believe that this feature would be a valuable addition to GLPI, as it would contribute to the improvement of the efficiency and quality of the services provided by companies.


Eduardo Spinola


Sou um usuário do GLPI e gostaria de sugerir uma nova funcionalidade para a versão 10: o gerenciamento de rotas de atendimento.

Essa funcionalidade permitiria aos gestores de frotas planejar, otimizar e monitorar as rotas dos veículos e dos motoristas, levando em conta fatores como o endereço do cliente, as restrições de horário, os pedágios, as condições de tráfego e as pausas necessárias.

Os benefícios dessa funcionalidade seriam:

  • Redução de custos: a otimização das rotas poderia reduzir o consumo de combustível, o desgaste dos veículos e o tempo de deslocamento dos motoristas.
  • Aumento da produtividade e da qualidade dos atendimentos: os gestores poderiam garantir que os atendimentos fossem realizados no tempo adequado e com a qualidade esperada.
  • Melhoria da satisfação dos clientes e dos motoristas: os clientes ficariam satisfeitos com o atendimento mais rápido e eficiente, e os motoristas ficariam satisfeitos com a redução do tempo de deslocamento e a maior segurança das rotas.

A funcionalidade poderia ser integrada com o módulo de tickets, para que os gestores pudessem atribuir as tarefas aos motoristas, acompanhar o status dos atendimentos e gerar relatórios de desempenho. Além disso, a funcionalidade poderia ser compatível com aplicativos de navegação, como o Google Maps ou o Mapbox, para facilitar a orientação dos motoristas nas rotas.

A seguir, são apresentadas algumas características adicionais que a funcionalidade poderia ter:

  • Possibilidade de relacionar vários tickets a uma rota, de forma a agrupar os atendimentos por proximidade, prioridade ou outros critérios.
  • Sistema de agendamento de rotas, integrado ao sistema de agendamento do GLPI, para que os gestores pudessem definir as datas e os horários das rotas, bem como as janelas de tempo para cada atendimento.
  • Possibilidade de aprovação das rotas, para que os gestores pudessem validar as rotas propostas pelo sistema ou fazer ajustes manuais, se necessário.
  • Definição dos técnicos, dos carros, do número de vagas no carro e de outros recursos necessários para cada rota, de forma a garantir a eficiência e a segurança das operações.

Acredito que essa funcionalidade seria uma valiosa adição ao GLPI, pois contribuiria para a melhoria da eficiência e da qualidade dos atendimentos prestados pelas empresas.


Eduardo Spinola


New tickets visible to all users

Guilherme Lima 2 years ago updated by alexandierg 3 months ago 1

I created a profile so that technicians can only see tickets assigned to their respective group.
I have a rule that assigns the ticket to the correct group based on the category of the ticket and sets the status to new.
Tickets assigned to a group with the "new" status are visible to everyone because they have ability to assign, is that possible to hide the new tickets for this users ?


business rules : add criterion "Technician - User DN"

Eduardo Spinola 3 years ago 0

business rules : add new criterion "Technician - User DN" with "regular expression matches"

Because with the "user DN" of the Active Directory together with regular expressions it gives you enormous power to customize various rules


see complete rack row

David. 3 years ago 0

In addition to the top view of the server room, the possibility of seeing a complete row of racks, like the simple view of a rack but with all the storage.