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business rules : add criterion "Technician - User DN"

Eduardo Spinola 3 years ago 0

business rules : add new criterion "Technician - User DN" with "regular expression matches"

Because with the "user DN" of the Active Directory together with regular expressions it gives you enormous power to customize various rules


see complete rack row

David. 3 years ago 0

In addition to the top view of the server room, the possibility of seeing a complete row of racks, like the simple view of a rack but with all the storage.


Promote ticket without having to give permission to update follow-ups

Eduardo Spinola 4 years ago 0

Today it is possible to promote a ticket, however it is necessary to give permission to update followups in the profile to enable the icon, but it is not always interesting to enable this permission, it would be interesting if there was an option to permit only this feature.

Hoje é possível promover um ticket, porém é necessário dar permissão para atualizar acompanhamentos no perfil para habilitar o ícone, mas nem sempre é interessante habilitar essa permissão, seria interessante se houvesse uma opção para permitir apenas esse recurso.


Asset Depreciation

kflores 6 years ago 0

I have not seen any tickets related to depreciation support. I really enjoy working with GLPI, but one of features that I think would be very useful is the incorporation of depreciation. Many ITSM projects incorporate some sort of straight line depreciation reporting. It looks like this was brought up in 2010 https://forum.glpi-project.org/viewtopic.php?id=21692

This would be a great feature in the Management field with either "Depreciation Rate" or set the rate based on asset type like "Computers - 5 year depreciation"

It would be nice to then pull reports on current assets values. Let me know if I'm missing some configuration, but based on my testing there is only currently Amortization support.


direct url to a computer using the inventory number

Le Rohellec Benoit 6 years ago updated by cfrancois_bs 6 years ago 2

A computer (any type of asset) can be addressed through a unique url, something like http://localhost/glpi-9.2.4/front/computer.form.php?id=4150, where 4150 is the (unique, internal) id of the computer.

I'd like to use a url where the parameter is the inventory number (supposed unique)


Connection destination by default

Oscar - Kao Chimigraf 7 years ago 0

It would be great to have possibility to fix a connection resource as default to users... now, first option is internalDB, but we use LDAP, so users have to change it manually (and some of them don't do it...).


Techicians shouldn't see satisfaction survey's data

Arthur Schaefer 7 years ago 0

Technicians shouldn't see the satisfaction information of the tickets to avoid some problems between requesters and technicians. 

Maybe some right rules for the satisfaction on Profiles since the managers should see these informations.


Add "last requester added" to the recipients'notification

malamort 7 years ago 0

The current behavior:

When a major incident occurs, we receive a lot of call. The best practice is to create a ticket for the first caller and add each next callers as requester to this ticket.

Today GLPI allow to setup the sending of a notification to the “requester” based on the event “ticket creation”. Which means that the first user receive a notification.

GLPI allow also to setup a notification to the “requester” based on the event “New user in requesters” but this means that

  • When adding user 2, the users 1 receives a second notification and the users 2 receives a first notification.
  • When adding user 3, the users 1 receives a third notification, the users 2 receives a second notification and the users 3 receives a first notification.
  • And so on…, when adding 20 users to a ticket, the user 1 receive 21 notifications…

As a consequence, we may not setup the notification to added users based on the event "new user in requesters"... Only the first user is notified.

The good news is that it is already possible today to send a notification automatically to each caller when the technician solve the incident.


My idea:

by adding a recipient “last requester added" to the recipient’s notification, we would be allow to send a notification to the added users only.

In this way, each users would be informed once when calling.


Merci à Jean-Mathieu, Julien et Bazile et tous les contributeurs pour GLPI :) and thank you for reading me.



on GLPI 9.2  


moving equipment

Ігор Поляков 7 years ago updated by Megachip 7 years ago 1

Hello! Thank you very much for GLPI! Add please the function of moving the equipment between types. The fact is that when you create equipment in the "equipment" then it is impossible to move to the "printers" tab. Thank you.


Moving Item (to room) depending on what switch port it was detected

Megachip 7 years ago updated 5 years ago 2

Is there any way to automatically change the location of an asset depending on the switch port it was detected (and the network outlet which is connected to that port?)