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License management - not only for computers

grefabu 6 years ago updated by Curtis Conard 5 years ago 1

It could be usefull to manage not only license for software/computers. For example license keys for appliance, network devices ect.


Improve Search Options of IT Assets - Improvement #2 - Add associative property explicitly

Tomás Abad 7 years ago updated by glpi 6 years ago 6
This idea suppose this another one Improve Search Options of IT Assets - Improvement #1 - Add denial of first conditional have been taken into account.

We all know that it is impossible to make certain queries with GLPI today. One of these queries could be the following

P11: Computers with processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i5
P12: Computers with operating system Microsoft Windows XP
P13: Computers with processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i3
P14: Computers with processor system Microsoft Windows 7
               Q11: ( P11 * P12) + ( P13 * P14)

and this question is impossible to make because Search Options doesn't allow to associate logic operator explicitly. That happens when we try to do something like that.

Example #1

Image 157

Image 161

We could think that A + B give us a set of 1584 computers but this is that happens

Image 160

There are more examples of impossible queries but only one of them is enough to show them exists.

There are other situations where the queries are possible but they are tedious and difficult of build because you must to know Boole algebra. The following is an example of that.

P21: Computers with processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i5
P22: Computers with operating system Microsoft Windows XP
P23: Computers with processor system Microsoft Windows 7
                      Q21: P21 * !(P22 + P23)

This question is impossible to make for the same reason as before; Search Options doesn't allow to associate logic operator explicitly. That happens when we try to do something like that.

Example #2

Image 154

Image 150

Image 151

We know that Q21 is a set of 123 computers but how can we do the query. unlike the previous situation we can transform Q21 into this equivalent query: P21 * !P22 * !P23.

Image 162

And this is the current state of Search Options, although there are also situations where logical operators are associated in a capricious way giving curious results. :/

To resolve these problems I suggest the following:

Image 163

This new operator '>', and its opposing party '<', will manage the associative search criterion in a explicit way. This is the idea:

Image 164

This approach would allow two new features:

  • Associate logical operators
  • Create nested conditionals up to a fixed level

These would be the solutions to Example #1 and Example #2 with this new approach.

Example #1

Image 165

Example #2

Image 166

Simple, isn't it? ;)



Assign power supply to phone

Megachip 7 years ago updated by Олег Николаевич 7 years ago 2

When a power supply is assigned to an phone (only possible from components, not from phone) it will not shown components)


Add a new forum in Spanish and Portuguese

Óscar Beiro - TICgal 7 years ago updated by glpi 7 years ago 1

Now that glpi long awaited new website is up, it would be great to add a couple of new subforums to international support:

  • Spanish
  • Portuguese



GLPI as Univenion App

Megachip 7 years ago 0

Would be awesome to see glpi as preconfigured UCS App.

Would be more awesome, if not only users and groups are synced, but also assets (at least the network ones).

Thanks a lot,


P.S. Some docs:



To assign ticket to two or more users without saving

Helena Gracheva 7 years ago 0

It would be great when if you wanted to assign a ticket to several users, the "add" button would work two or more times without saving. To avoid clicking "add", "save", "add", "save", "add", "save"... every time.

Image 132


Simple helpdesk.php include email field

tyrone wyatt 7 years ago updated by Ketchup31 2 years ago 1

The simple helpdesk.php anonymous ticket creation form should include an optional email address field.
This would record the same details as an anonymous ticket from email.


Add an end of warranty date

glpi 7 years ago updated by Eon9D 7 years ago 1

Instead of a month or warranty dropdown, add an end of warranty date.


Rules to link a computer to a user to an asset

Walid Nouh 7 years ago 0

Create a rules engine to link an asset, automatically inventoried wth a user