Welcome to GLPi feature request service.
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Add a button in Watchers to add me directly

mathieu sizec 8 years ago updated by blippercop 2 years ago 3

Availability of changing the entity of an ticket

Ricardo Alexander Perez Ricard 8 years ago updated by Denn 2 years ago 2

If a user moves between different entities, he or she has permissions in those entities, if he or she sends an incident or request from an entity where he or she is not physically present at the time, the technician, supervisor or administrator does not have the option to Change the entity to which that incident or request belongs.


mail notification with image in mime (to avoid the "fishing" message in outlook) #1829 (same as github)

Eric 8 years ago 0

Dear Community, we are facing a issue with email notification regarding inclusion of images within the html notification.

(Image are included with an absolute path)
Currently the mail client (outlook) detect the image as a fishing attempt.

Considering two options :
1/ is there any none recommendation to workaround this issue ?

2/ would the community consider the following enhancement request : add images as mime part within the mail body ?

Typically the algorithm could be :
- scan the html body
- detect the tag image within the html
=> built an array (only considering relative imagepath, absolute means don't touch )
and when creating the mail body add the image.

I found the following example on internet if someone as some time ressource to do-it :
$mime = new Mail_mime($crlf);
$mime->addHTMLimage('mail_templates/img/bg.png', 'image/png');

In the html part of mail body:
<img src="mail_templates/img/bg.png"/>

A convention might be needed, where to put the image folder accessible to the scripts.

Free to echange this request.
with many thanks


Tasks by Supplier

tyrone wyatt 9 years ago updated by Walid Nouh 8 years ago 4

We often log tickets and assign them to suppliers.

The supplier will inform me in writing what tasks were done and we transcribe this into our ticket. This means the task author is myself and not the supplier.

If we could have the task by option be expended to groups and suppliers we can clearly see what tasks are done by whom and who's time is used to complete that task.


Improvement the Plugin option

Juan Fernando Villa Hernández 9 years ago updated by Curtis Conard 4 years ago 3

Collect all the plugins official and unofficial of the GLPI and Show into the Plugin option avoiding search, research, upload by ftp/scp, change the permissions, put in the right folder, install and enable the "plugins", test and pray.... it's just better see what plugins exist and is more easy just Select, install and Enable plugins proved and aproved by the community. Even put in another option the integrations with another apps like Fusion Inventory, OcsInventory NG, Process Maker, Shinken, Zabbix, Nagios, Puppet etc... What do you think Comrades?


Add a configuration option for New Item to be Recusively visible or not : Child Entities : Yes or No

Vincent Legros 10 years ago updated by Tomolimo 9 years ago 0
When creating (ex New Group) possibility to add a configuration setting to set Child entities Yes/No

Add templates for the form Ask for validation

ak47d 2 years ago updated by Núria Costa 1 year ago 3

Hello dear friends.
Many thanks to you for the development and improvement of the GLPI.

GLPI provides very convenient templates for solution and comments in tickets.

It is very convenient and simplifies and speeds up the work with tickets.
But it is very inconvenient that the template functions are not provided for sending a validation request.

It would be nice if you could add the ability to use templates for validation requests similar to follow-up or ticket solutions.
It would also be convenient if you could specify a specific approver for each validation request template.
We, as well as all GLPI users, would be very grateful if you could implement this template function in a validation request.


Add meta properties to display in previews of shared links

miguelanruiz 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 5

The thing is, when you share a link copying URL, you expect to share link with title:

Image 408

I think can be created some interfaces to give data on each class, it has to look like this:

<meta property="og:title" content="Example Page">
<meta property="og:image" content="https://example.com/images/image.jpg">
<meta property="og:description" content="This is just an example page.">
<meta property="og:url" content="https://example.com/page.html">

And then link sharing will be looks like:

Image 409


Ability to move objects from one category to another

Carsten 4 years ago updated by Michał Panasiewicz 2 years ago 1

It would be great to move objects from one category to another, for example in my old version of GLPI "simcards" as a category did not exist, therefore I used "devices".

Thanks, thanks, thanks!



Massive Actions update locations - Latitude and Longitude

Eduardo Spinola 4 years ago 0

Add cordinate fields latitude and longitude to massive actions in Dropdowns > Locations

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