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Tinymce with Table of Content plugin in knowledge base
Would be very useful to have a Table of Content in each knowledge base article.
The TOC TinyMCE plugin turn each heading in a summary topic.
Focus on form when addind a followup
When you click the icon to add a followup, the form is displayed but it does not have the focus
you need to click it to start writing ...
would be nice to set focus on the form
User password change to require old password
When user attempts to change his password he is not being required to type his old password.
This is serious security issue.
Password reset from should require old one.
Technician group assigment Round Robin
- assign the ticket to a member of a group (all technician member receive a notification and many time 2 techician work on a ticket that is working on by an other one already)
- A mechanism that if the ticket is not processed by a tecnician in x minutes or hours, it is re-assigned to the group (or a next tecnician).
Warn user about unsaved changes when leaving the ticket creation page
When leaving a page, for example the ticket creation page, users should be warned about unsaved changes.
Current behaviour: While writing a ticket, a user decides to "show all locations", "show all categories", or anything else that takes him to another page. The user is not notified about unsaved changes, and once they return, the form is blank again.
Expected Behaviour: When the Ticket form is not empty, GLPI should ask if the user wishes to continue and lose any unsubmitted details.
Hi, Is it possible to have an export of all reservation?
Is it possible to have an export of all reservation?
Option to add validation templates
You can create text templates for tasks, solution and follow ups, but its not possible to create a text template to validations.
Knowledge base - link an article to another article
Hi there, In our company we have set up a knowledge base to write our procedures, operating methods, etc. The new interface of the knowledge base interests us a lot and we are thinking about migrating to it. In the operation of a procedure, we must link several operating modes attached to it. However, currently it does not seem possible to link (via associated elements) two knowledge base articles together. It could be interesting to add this possibility. Cordially,
LDAP Sync User Settings
I think it would be a nice feature to be able to prevent LDAP from overwriting settings that the user themselves have changed.
For example:
- User Language is set by LDAP's preferredlanguage tag. If the user changes their User Language then these changes get overwritten the next time GLPI syncs with LDAP.
- User has changed their e-mail address to that of a shared mailbox they are using so that everybody can see when they get an update on a ticket. But with a sync, these changes will be reverted.
Maybe a possibility to state that certain fields can only be overwritten during creation of the account, or always, or never. (last one might be a bit silly, but there might be some rare cases I guess).
Inventory manual or youtube instruction video
I notice that the official manual, nor youtube, nor anything else on the internet gives a CLEAR instruction how to do a network inventory by scanning the network, adding windows pc's, servers, with or without agent, giving a complete overview of all devices using different ways. This is realy a core functionality and a great puzzle to figure out. Although the manual states some technical features commands etc, it isn't clear about how to do the steps to configure GLPI to do this properly. It is driving me nuts and it is very sad that i can't find a good manual that is clea on this matter.... Please make some, or good instruction movies (ENGLISH screesnhots and instructions) and manuals.
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