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In the knowledge base there must be different versions of the items for targets.

mehmettopcu hace 8 años actualizado por glpi hace 8 años 3

Warranty Expiration Date

Kappa hace 8 años actualizado por Kappa Kappa Gamma Fraternity hace 5 años 10

A setting to list the "warranty expiration date" as expired when its past the date.


Operation Master Plan

Yannick hace 8 años actualizado hace 8 años 1


We would like to use GLPI to create an operation master plan report

add a field End of support Software
add a field End of support Hardware
add a field Planned Upgrade
I have done it with fields plugin, but I would like to report it on a planning with 5 next years

SLA : Can link calendar for technician groups

Xavier CAILLAUD hace 8 años 0

For example, I have 2 technician groups G1 & G2 :

G1 members work from 9:00 AM to 02:00 PM (with SLA1 resolution with 2 hours?)
G2 members work from 02:00 PM to 11:00 PM (with SLA2 resolution with 4 hours?)?
At creation of tickets, the SLA 1 is affected (when G1 group is affected to the ticket)
And when we change to G2 group, The SLA must be recalculated because calendar is not the same for the second group.

Send invitation in Planning

Yannick hace 8 años actualizado hace 8 años 4

It would be useful to send invitation for appointment from glpi planning to users.

They would be able to accept it and it will be automatically added to their outlook calendar.


Hide field at ticket creation but view this filed after in read only

Jérôme STIVAL hace 8 años 0

When you create a ticket, i want to hide "SLT option" and "Temps de prise en charge", etc...

But after, when i read the ticket, i can't see this information...

I affected this option by SLA and rules directly :

  • VIP SLA for VIP user tickets
  • Standard SLA for all other ticket and user

It works fine, but i want to hide this option at the creation, but not after for the followed


[Locations] Users list

Sulian hace 8 años 0

Can you add a tab with the list of users ?


[Improvement][Ticket] Convert task to follow and vice-versa

Sulian hace 8 años 0

Can you add an option to convert a task in a follow in the ticket tracking system ? Often another operator made this kind of mistake (write a task instead of follow) and we cannot fix it.


add a message during root entity ticket creation.

Yannick hace 9 años 0


To avoid ticket creation on root entity it would be useful to add an option in general settings permitting to add a message during root entity ticket creation.

Example : Warning you are on root entity !


addition of few fields in default ticket template

SJP hace 9 años actualizado por asdf hace 6 años 1


Is it possible to add couple of fields like HOSTNAME, IP etc in the default ticket template, so that we can filter the alerts based on those fields.