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Conection glpi 0.922 and active directory win 2008 r2

izyo_23 7 years ago 0

How  can i conected LDAP securuity with glpi 0.922 and active directory Windows 2008 R2


Contract Duplication/Copy to another Entity

Jerome F 7 years ago 0


Can you add a way to duplication or copy a contract to another entity.



Eliminar usuarios

izyo_23 7 years ago 0

Buenas, querría saber si hay alguna forma de eliminar a un usuario pero sin que se eliminen sus incidencias


Enable Child entities for software by default

Megachip 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 0

Any way to set "child entities" to yes by default (for new created software?). When fusion inventory creates new software, I've had them separately for each entity.





Showing device sub-type on used and managed items

Megachip 7 years ago 0

Any front-end way to do this? 

Reason: Many plugins (fusion inventory, flyve ...) determine (smart)phones as computers.

It would be much easier to see at the first page, if this device is a computer/notebook or a computer/desktop or a computer/smartphone


Alert before certificate expires

christophe dufour 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 5

on version 9.2.1 the certificate have only one alert called "Alarms on expired certificates" which is good as it indicates you have not replaced the certificate in time.

We would need, like the old certificate plugin, an alert that begin to alert a group the certificate will expires in X days and based on certificate status information


champ service ldap synchronisation groupe GLPI

serge carbonneau 7 years ago 0


Comment récupérer le champ service du LDAP et générer automatiquement des groupes dans GLPI ?

Mon champ service aura des groupes et des sous-groupes enfants (arborescence service).



Change elements which shown at reservations

Megachip 7 years ago 0

Is there any way to change what is displayed at the reservations tab? ATM it only shown the name of the element and the location. Would live to also shown the operating system.

Thanks a lot


OCSNG - Régler le problème de TRACE_DELETED sur le plugin

Neilerua 7 years ago 0

Régler le problème de l'erreur TRACE_DELETED qui revient sans cesse sur le plugin d'OCS et qui reste encore aujourd'hui sans réponse