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Add more criteria to printer dictionnary

Walid Nouh 7 years ago 0

FusionInventory agent gather more informations about a printer that could be used for Printer dictionnary.

For now only name, manufacturer and comments are available.



improve recurrent ticket

Yannick 7 years ago 0

It should be useful to improve recurrent ticket system or add the possibilty to schedule a ticket creation allowing to prepare the ticket before creation

For account creation / deletion...


Possibility to export one ICS file for a group

nicolas quiniou-briand 7 years ago 0


In GLPI 0.90 planning, we had possibility to export planning for a group in one ICS file. Since 9.1, we need to export ICS file for each member of a group which is really painful.

Please add possibility to export one ICS file for a group.


Olá alguém sabe como efetuar backup automático no glpi rodando no Windows.

Fabricio Costa 7 years ago updated by Tomolimo 7 years ago 3

Preciso de uma solução para realizar backup automático no glpi.


Please suggest how to get software last accessed date in the inventory.

donj 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 2

How to get the software last accessed date from the inventory.


separate plugin to glpi standard component and sort it

Yannick 7 years ago 0


Is it possible to separate in asset menu Plugin or Generic object to standard glpi and sort them by name









Thank you


éléments à afficher par défaut par défaut

Théo FOUYET 7 years ago 0

Allow user anonymous get categories

Rafael Osuna 7 years ago 0

When anonymous ticket creation is allowed if you want to change helpdesk.php is not possible to show a dropdown showing the categories because of there's not user logged.

Would be possible to allow to the user anonymous get categories or another data?


Problem with plugin reports

Tiamiyou M. 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 1

Good morning,

Recently, I work with glpi and the plugin reports. I managed to create a few reports but the problem is that this plugin is blocking some access on GLPI. I can't view the content of the drop-down lists. This content displays: Loading Failed. The problem is solved when I disable the plugin reports. Could you help me solve this problem please? I really need this plugin. Thank you.


[API REST] Solution approbation

yves tesniere 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 0

api can create tickets, add followup, tasks solution;

solution approbation is missing : can't add followup with [close] or [add_reopen] params.

it would be usefull to provide api solution approbation