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Default group for a user

Walid Nouh il y a 7 ans mis à jour par Curtis Conard il y a 2 ans 2

Define a default group for a user. Add new actions in business rules for tickets & assets to assign this group to a ticket or an asset.

Assign this default group using the authorization rules engine


Transfer location between entities

Megachip il y a 7 ans mis à jour il y a 5 ans 1

Would be nice to have the possibility to transfer a location between entities.

Also requested here:



Possible this is also in conjunction with 



Gabarit ticket variable

BCDragoon il y a 7 ans mis à jour par João Fernando Silveira il y a 21 heures 1

Permettre d'utiliser des variables, ex.:  %DATE%, %ANNEE%, %MOIS% chiffre et texte, %JOUR%..... dans un gabarit de ticket, et peut-être ailleurs. Quand je crée un gabarit de ticket que je vais associer à un ticket récurrent, j'aimerais pouvoir mettre dans le titre %MOIS% %ANNEE% pour que ca donne: Titre Octobre 2017 lors de la création du ticket. Merci à l'avance !


Business rule based on ticket creation time

Roshan il y a 7 ans mis à jour par glpi il y a 6 ans 1

hello all,

Is it possible to create a business rule based on ticket creation time. 

Example : auto assign tickets created from 6pm to 5 am to a technician or group.


Keep a session alive while a file uploads

File upload and session expires

Hello, I have been testing the file upload component.

I have set the variable in php.ini
upload_max_filesize = 5M

And I have set up a session time of 5 minutes.

I have observed several details in it:

1.- When a file has a size greater than 5 Megabytes and exceeds the 5 minutes of session, this reaches 100% but does not show any message, nor is it attached to the ticket. In other words, the session expires and therefore the file is never uploaded, but does not inform in any way, simply the screen stays static until some action is done and redirects to the login page.

2.- Some types of PDF files do not recognize them as such and displays the message "file type not allowed".

3.- Some very large files at the end and reach 100% does not show any message and does not add it to the ticket.

4.- If I upload a file larger than 5 Megabytes, first I have to wait for it to reach 100% so that it indicates to me that the file size exceeds the maximum. That is to say, it could be configured so that once the file is selected, it validates the size and if it exceeds the maximum that sends a message and does not wait until it reaches 100%.


1.- Keep the connection active during the time you upload a very large file.


2.- If a file is larger than upload_max_filesize = 5M you should not wait for it to reach 100%, otherwise validate before it starts uploading.


project transfer between entities

JFB il y a 8 ans mis à jour par Curtis Conard il y a 2 ans 2

Can the "add to a transfer list" be added to Projects as well, in order to transfer Projects from one entity to another one?


Prevent planned task to be stored when it overlaps

Óscar Beiro - TICgal il y a 8 ans mis à jour par Johan Cwiklinski il y a 8 ans 4

When planning an additional task for a tech, if the selected time frame is already busy, GLPi gives an error (in future versions will be a warning) which is OK, but saves the task anyway (which is not).This renders planning useless, since a tech could be assigned multiple times to the same timeframe.

As this behaviour is acceptable for some users, my suggestion is to add a check either globally or per Entity to allow or disallow tech task planning overlap.

Please check github issue for additional info:



Mandatory field on tickets task

artuso daniele il y a 8 ans 0

It would be useful to have the possibility to set as mandatory the tickets taskso fields when required.


Diagramme GANTT

richard jacques il y a 8 ans mis à jour il y a 8 ans 3


Nous souhaiterions avoir un bouton d'export au format excel ou pdf pour le diagramme de GANTT.

Cela serait une bonne fonctionnalité au niveau de la gestion des projets afin de montrer à nos supérieurs au format papier A3.

En vous remerciant par avance.

Service Informatique