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Task split in ticket
like for follow, transform a task in a ticket and link this new ticket as a son
gestion des procédures
GLPI etant avant tout un outil destiné aux helpdesk, ceux-ci sont aussi très friands de procédures/documentation diverses et variées.
Je suis étonné que GLPI ne propose pas un tel module afin de gérer les procédures de façon efficace, propre, lisible avec recherche, visionneuse, appels a des ressources serveurs externes et autres outils de visionnage.
il y a bien certes un module documents, mais celui-ci est un joyeux b.. fourre-tout qui regroupe aussi bien la doc de l'équipe IT que les documents transmis par les utilisateurs via les pièce jointes des tickets (et obsolètes/inutiles au bout de plusieurs mois).
L'idéal serait de pouvoir publier nos documents avec metadonnées simples et classements/sous classements possibles.
Un paramétrage permettrai même de pointer vers un dossier réseau pour le dépot de ces fichiers (sinon, copie sur la base GLPI qui va grossir, grossir ...).
Pourquoi pas indiquer les lecteur/visionneuses en local selon les extensions (pdf, open office, office, etc) pour éviter tout téléchargement de fichier en local !
Ce la ressemble certes à une GED, mais plus légère, souple et implémentée dans GLPI donc facilement accessible au helpdesk et autres équipes.
KB articles linked to tasks
Could be great if we could link KB articles to Tasks and not just Solutions.
For example, our technicians could look into the KB on how to configure the VPN for a client and use it as a task.
The end user doesn't care much to receive the procedure to configure his VPN as a solution :)
Also, the possibility to link those KB to Task Templates would be great.
Meta tags for ticket templates
I've been thinking about something that could be useful for those who use Ticket templates but I don't know if it's possible.
The use of meta tags to be set up on predefined fields.
For example:
Set up a predefined Title to pick up the day of the week, or the month that the ticket is open, or the entity name... but using meta tags. Like those we use in newsletter services like mailchimp or even the same we have in notification templates.
Use parent geolocation data when no data available
When an item geolocation is not set, could it be possible to use the parent's geolocation data (if available)?
For instance, if a building has multiple floors, the building is a location and the different floors are "sub locations". There is no need to specify the geolocation data for all different floors are they are at the same address.
Email notification – Envelope Icon
Currently, when we are in a ticket screen, there is a button to change the notification options, it’s symbolized by the envelope icon.
For more visibility, it might be a good idea if the envelope is not the same color when the notification was turned off.
When the ticket was transferred to another technician, it would not have to ask the question.
Thank you
GLPI 9.3.0
Hiding and or Locking Fields from users
For my Asset Management i need the opportunity to hide or lock fields for the normal users. As we store Informations in the fields which are not allowed to be changed otherwise the whole process of activating devices in the network will not work
Monitoring (plugin)
Is there any working monitoring plugin for 9.2.X (atm 9.2.3)? (Shinken, Nagios or Alignak)?
Block\Remove access to user tab personalization
Hi everyone,
I would like to know if there is a way that can I block\remove the
access of the tab personalizations from my users. I have done some
modifications on the layout/rules and I don't want to the users alterate
some preferences like: "Pre-select me as Technician when Creating
Ticket" and stuffs.
I have found a way that I can do that, but I don't want to make the association on a user_id though... Maybe on a profile_id on something like that ?
Here it's my code edit:
glpi\front\preference.php -> Starts on line 67
if(Session::getLoginUserID() == 13){<br>$pref = new Preference();
$pref->display(['main_class' => 'tab_cadre_fixe']); }else{ echo
'<div class="center">'; echo '<br>'; echo '<br>'; echo
'<img src="/glpi/pics/warning.png" alt="Warning" title="Warning">';
echo '<br>'; echo '<br>'; echo '<span class="b">You don't have permission to do that.</span>'; echo
'</div>'; }<br><br>
Thank you all
My setup: : GLPI 9.2.1 (/glpi => C:\xampp\htdocs\glpi) Installation mode: TARBALL
switch ticket status to processing after requester reply
I suggest an option to automatically switch ticket status from pending to processing if the requester had replied.
When we receive a ticket update from an user via the webform, ticket is in pending state waiting user answer, technicians haven't any clue that ticket evolved and need attention.
Customer support service by UserEcho